Wednesday, April 01, 2009

10 highest paid politicians in the world


Annual salaries in USD

1. Lee Hsien Loong - Singapore   Salary in dollars - $2.47 million
2. Donald Tsang Yum-Kuen - Hong Kong Salary in dollars - $516,000
3. Barack Obama - United States Salary in dollars - $400,000
4. Brian Cowen - Ireland Salary in dollars - $341,000
5. Nicolas Sarkozy - France Salary in dollars - $318,000
6. Angela Merkel - Germany Salary in dollars - $303,000
7. Gordon Brown - UK Salary in dollars - $279,000
8. Stephen Harper - Canada Salary in dollars - $246,000
9. Taro Aso - Japan Salary in dollars - $243,000
10. Kevin Rudd - Australia Salary in dollars - $229,000


  1. I think your title should read "10 highest paid government heads in the world" instead. If you count politicians, I believe top 10 positions will be all occupied by our cabinet ministers.

  2. Shouldn't this be highest paid political leaders. Aren't many of the Singaporean ministers also paid enough to show up in this list?

  3. In economics, the price of a good is determined by demand and supply. But is Lee Hsien Loong worth 5 Obamas? In Singapore, even a minister without any portfolio earns twice that of Obama. :(

  4. are the perks/bonus similar ?

  5. I wonder what a person does with US$2.47 million a year salary? Let's do some math.

    Remember to pay tax, say 50%. That means the salary is "only" Singapore dollar $2.4 million pa or $200,000 per month.

    Firsly, use one year of this salary to purchase an annuity for safety sake. That will pay a lifelong pension roughly Singapore dollars $12,000 a month for the rest of old age. Set aside $3,000 for a personal servant and you still can eat @ $300 per day for b,l, and dinner, FOR THE REST OF LIFE. Pretty good food for an aging and old man.

    Secondly, use 5 -years' salary to buy a $12 million villa to stay in.

    The 6th year..7th year... i really cannot think of what to do with such millions and millions of dollars. It is foolish to pass it all to the children, for they will not understand what it means to work for a living.

    Really, what does one do with such high salaries? Pray tell me. We only have this much amount of flesh to enjoy our golden years.


  6. Look you are the one who put that very highly paid politician into office. Why are you complaining? Don't complained just get rid of them in the next election!!!!

    Show your use of freedom at the ballot box.

  7. Something is really wrong somewhere..Either we are overpriced or they are underpriced. Which is which?

    Comparing the like for like, For the price of 1 Singapore PM, we can have 7 TOP END politicans (no 2-8) who deals with GDP bigger than us and have to deal with a more diverse and vocal population, and definitely have to debate the feasibility of their policies against oppositions in the parliamentary.

    I am indeed disillusioned by the behaviour of our politicians.

  8. Luke,
    I think what we can say is..
    "Truly, the rest of the PMs are servants to the nation and people above himself"

  9. I don't really care how much they are paid. Do they come with money back guarantees?

  10. The only one we can blame are the 66% who are still happily encouraging them to take more.

  11. Majority of Singaporeans had given him the mandate.

    This is fair.

  12. Sigh..for the wrong reason, we score another top in the world again. Have a suggestion, in order to secure the title eternally, they should pegged their pay to top earners in the world instead of locals.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Not just 66% mandate but also 50% walkovers and 98% seats!

    I guess if they increase their pay even more, they still can with no need to worry whether they will be voted out!.

  15. Here we see only the gross pay.
    How about the fringe benefits?

    on example.

    - official jet?
    LHL does not have something similar to airforce one does he?
    How much does this cost as compared to LHL's official car?

  16. Isn't that's what we do to stem out corruption? This in fact give the people the right not to tolerate corruption from our government official. Paying our leaders the price of a CEO of top private entities, is it not a good thing? Now, talented leaders will be attracted to serve the country too.

  17. Singaporeans are very charitable citizens , they cultivate good karmas by giving away high salaries to their political leaders in Parliament. Truth is indeed harder to believe than fictions!

    Watcher anon
