Friday, April 17, 2009

Speak out for others

Article printed in The Online Citizen


  1. It is difficult to speak out against the rulers on an individual basis. People are afraid that they will be marked and life made even more difficult for them. I am also struggling against the need for my conscience to speak out against the gross injustices and the relative indifference that our govt has shown to our pleas against the odds. Increasingly I feel the need to do something for our fellow men and women who did not have a voice and are struggling to make ends meet against major odds.
    Perhaps some sort of task force or committee against social injustice can be organised under your leadership. I will be glad to join such an organisation and volunteer my time and what is left of my energy.

  2. In my view a viable way to really have good change in Singapore is to have a President who is willing to speak up for the weak and poor.

    A president who has the courage to go against establishment.

    I think that person is you, Mr. Tan.

    I really hope you will run for President and win the battle.

    I'll pray for you, so that Singapore has a better future.

  3. Personally I strongly support Mr Tan Kin Lian for president.

    BUT, like the support from any and many ordinary Joes, this alone is no use.

    Mr Tan needs to be also "endorsed" as a candidate first by "you know who".

    Otherwise you know what happen!

  4. I also support Mr Tan to be Singapore's president. He should make a good one in these turbulent times. His honesty and pro Singaporean stance means more Singaporeans will be better off in time to come.
