Friday, May 08, 2009

Electric powered vehicle

Singapore is spending $20 million to test the use of electically powered vehicles. I have a suggestion to expand the scope of this project and develop a better system, based on the concept of "personal automated transport". Read here.

1 comment:

  1. An electric powered car can travel 120 km. A car with a full tank of petrol can travel 600 km.

    Most people travel 50 to 100 km a day in Singapore. They need to recharge the battery every 1 or 2 days.

    It will be more practical for the motorist to go to a battery station and change the battery to a fully charged battery. The battery station can recharge the battery and use it for another vehicle.

    The charging fee should be based on the consumed power in the battery.

    If there is a convenient battery replacement service, it will make it easier for motorist to opt for an electric powered vehicle.
