Saturday, May 30, 2009

Engineer Quiz

 It is said that engineers take 3 minutes to resolve this,  architects 3 hours and doctors 6 hours.

What is the 6th number?
 1, 2, 6, 42, 1806, ________?    So what is the next number???

Give your answer

Check the answer here.


  1. Over 80% (9 out of 11) got the correct answer within an average of 1.5 mins. Conclusion: we have many engineers in Singapore.

  2. This quiz is popular. 26 people replied within 1 hour. Over 90% (23) had the right answer. The average time taken is 1.5 minutes. Most of the respondents are, in fact, engineers.

  3. Seems like 2 different methods, but lead to same answer. One using nearest prime numbers, the other using squaring.


  4. There are 107 replies. 14 are wrong (13%). The other 87% got the correct answer.

    The average time taken is 2 mins. The shortest reported time is 20 secs.

    About 40% are engineers or similar occupatoins.

  5. This quiz is certainly popular. I got 174 responses in 2 days. Most of the replies got the correct answer. Singaporeans are good in mathematics and logic.

    They should try my Intelligence Quiz that can be found in And buy my book from the bookstores listed in this quiz website.

    Or buy The New Paper on Sunday. It has my intelligence quiz as well.

  6. This quiz attracted 233 replies within 4 days. About 85% got the correct answer. The average time taken is less than 2 minutes.

    Singapreans are good at this type of quiz.

  7. Here is the answer to the quiz.

    Each number is the multiple of the previous number and the (previous number plus 1).

    For example,

    1*2 = 2
    2*3 = 6
    6*7 = 42
    42*43 = 1806
    1806*1807 = 3263442

    So, the 6th number in the series is 3263442.

  8. My method also got the right answer but Mr Tan's method more logical because I cannot reason why I should add a "1" for my first calculation to get 2. Thanks for the fun.

    1 +
    1^2(1) = 2 + 2^2(4) = 6 + 6^2(36) = 42 + 42^2(1,764) =1,806 + 1,806^2 = 3,263,442

  9. i got it within a minute..damn it's so easy...
    no cheating ok!!
