Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wearing masks

I took a flight from Singapore to Vancouver. The only people in the plane wearing masks are  the flight crew and a few Singaporeans. The other passengers did not consider it necessary to wear masks. Were they irresponsible or unaware of the risk? 

I do not think so. I think that they know the risk and have decided that it is the risk is too small to take these precautions. Singaporeans tend to over-react.


  1. Wearing a mask is an effective way to control the spread of air-borne infectious diseases.
    The use of a mask is also dependent on other factors.
    Firstly, the mask must not be too expensive. Secondly, they should be made available at no cost by airlines, employers etc.
    The supply of masks must be easily available. Tourists to another country may have a problem knowing where to buy them.
    Personally, I advocate the following practices in Singapore.
    1. Food handlers must wear mask when preparing food, examples are at Mac-Donalds and KFC outlets.

    2. Sick employees should wear mask when in the office to prevent the spread of flu virus, cold virus and bacteria from coughs. Sick persons should also wear mask when in public places in order to protect the vulnerable group (the aged, babies and those with certain ailments eg. cancer and AIDS patients). Especially in areas with confined air volumes, such as buses, MRT, taxis etc.

  2. Agree. Handwishing is equally important.
