Friday, June 26, 2009

Quality of life in Ipoh

Hi Mr Tan,
I went to Ipoh yesterday to visit the cave temples. I enjoyed myself very much there. Things are so cheap and with the limestone hills as a backdrop and low storied buildings, there is such a huge expanse of sky over you.

Here you really feel that there are other ways to live other the life I know, and it can be so pleasant and enjoyable.

From Jusco I tried to take a cab to the bus terminal. The taxi driver wanted to overcharge me so I decided to walk back. I thought it would be good to see the hills grow dark as night fell.

Unfortunately as night fell, I lost my bearings. Luckily, I was picked up by a retired police officer who delivered me to the bus terminalI treated him to a meal. He told me that he retired at 40 and is now a used car dealer. He is doing very well, enough to play an expensive game of polo on horseback every month.

I envied him. He took pride in his job as a police officer and is enjoying his life. I do not think such a quality of life is achieveable in Singapore. It echoed the taxi driver in Penang who said, "Singapore is a place where you make money and get out". He had worked in Singapore as a SBS driver.

I'm thinking of buying a place in Ipoh in the future!

Thank you for telling me about your visit to Ipoh (which I last visited 35 years ago). I will be visiting Penang, Ipoh and Kedah next month. My friend in Kedah will take me around.

I agree with your views about the nice pace of life in Ipoh. But many people in Ipoh seemed to take a different view, as they leave this town to work in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.


  1. Anywhere in South East Asia is cheaper than Singapore. And in some the scenery also very good.

    But the main concern is law and order. Are you safe even in your own house?

  2. The grass is always greener over the other side of the hill. Foreigners see Singapore as a nice place to work and live and brought up a family, but we Singaporeans feel the pressure of living here and daily hectic, especially the lack of space and privacy. Singapore is a city without a country-side where its citizens can fall back on retirement. In New York, Americans and other nationalities can worked there and when they retire they can re-locate and live in the country-side to have a slower pace of life. In Singapore, can we re-locate to the country-side and have a slower pace of life where things are relatively cheaper, more space and privacy on retirement.

  3. I was there in March 2006.
    Life is less stressful there, air is less polluted in the rural places. And most importantly, you can drink true natural water instead of tasteless recycled industrial water.

  4. I would definitely live in malaysia if it were safer.

    Was looking at Iskandar developments but I just found it so unsafe when you get bombarded by news of polis abuse, robberies etc etc.

    I'm sorry, but within the region, I still feel safer in Singapore. I wouldn't mind migrating to Australia or Taiwan though.

  5. I think there is always this slanted view that any place less developed than us is considered unsafe. What a shame!

    I just came back from doing some charity work in Myanmar with a local temple group, and going around Yangon and Bago, I have not the slightest feeling that it is unsafe. In fact I find the people much friendlier and more helpful than some people here. Perhaps it is because of their buddhist faith and upbringing that imparted such values to them.

    My temple Reverend had been doing this kind of charity work, visiting orphanages, hospices, temples etc with essentials and donations, twice a year, in Sri Lanka and Myanmar among others. She had been doing this for many years, and she had the same sentiments about the Burmese people, their honesty and their pride. You could sense it in restaurants, markets, temples and around small shopping centres around the country. Of course the same could not be said of their leaders, which I am not qualified to comment on.

    It was the most meaningful trip which I had been fortunate to have undertaken.

    Lost Citizen

  6. Aust or Taiwan is safer? It all depends on which city or suburb you're staying at!

  7. Hi,
    I would rather retire in KL where the standard is almost the same as Singapore but yet it remains much cheaper. I can find similar restaurants like Sakae Sushi at places such as Sunway Lagoon. English and Chinese are common languages where we will find no problem in communicating with the locals. How I look forward to retirement!

  8. One of my friends whom is a M'sian but S'pore PR having served his 2.5yrs of NS and now serving his ICT faithfully is still a S'pore PR as he wants to remain as a M'sian so that he can retired comfortably in M'sia after getting back all his CPF $!

    He only wants to be a S'pore PR so that he can work and stay here to earn S$ and go back to spend in RM$!

    S'poreans got nowhere to go for cheap retirement except migration.

  9. Maybe we can form a group who are interested to find out what places we can retire in by visiting these places as a group. So far, I have set my sights on various cities in China that offer scenic beauty as well as a high standard of living but at a lower cost of living than in Singapore. I have lived in a number of cities in China and found 3 cities that meet my requirements. They are Suzhou, Dalian and Zhuhai. I did not think of Malaysia as I do not know the Malay language and read too often the news reports of it as an unsafe place.
    Perhaps I should also check this place out but I feel safer going in a group. So it will be great if Mr Tan can head such a tour group and interested people can join and find out together as well as share their travel experiences in other countries that they have visited before.

  10. Great idea Falcon.
    I would prefer Malaysia for these reasons (A) near Singapore and can travel by land and rail (B) no natural disasters like earthquake, typhoons and heavy snow (C) less pollution of air and water.

    But do choose a place with high Chinese local population if you are Chinese would be more convenient, I think.

  11. Yes, Robert, those 3 are good reasons. The main reason I did not consider Malaysia as yet is I have read reports where even senior ranks of the Malaysian Police Force were subjected to crimes, robberies and burglaries in their home turf. To be faced with such thugs in our retirement age is a no go, no matter how near, how clean the air is. If the police themselves get robbed then what about foreigners who are not familiar with the place?

  12. Hi,
    The foreigners staying in Malaysia prefer to stay in condo or guarded community because of the security reason. I prefer to stay in condo as there are facilities to enjoy. A luxurious condo can cost from RM300,000 RM2 million depend on your budget.
    Nothing is perfect in this world. If you want low crime, stay in Singapore; whereas if you want a comparable but yet cheaper cost, then stay in KL. We do have a choice.

  13. my cousin bought a two story terrace house in the outskirts of KL. only MYR$166K.

  14. I visited a night market in JB and found it to be a pleaurable event. Firstly, prices are very attractive and the durians are very nice and reasonable priced. The second thing I noticed is that the vendors are very friendly and polite, quite different from those in Singapore, who appeared sullen and unfriendly while charging high prices. It will be good if the journey to JB can be made more comfortable for regular visits.

  15. Udon Thani City (North-East Thailand) where retired America soldier stay is recommended.

  16. I read all your comments about retirement, safety and views about Malaysia with interest.I am Malaysian, and my brother studied in Singapore from secondary right through uni, worked there a few years and has come home to KL to settle down.
    You're right about crime in Malaysia - even Malaysians complain about it. But then again, is there absolutely no crime in Singapore? How about Australia and the recent curry bashings. Before the curries, when I was there as a student, there were lots of comments on "Hey you Chinks!" Face it, crime is everywhere. You just need to take of yourself and your neighbourhood.
    Cost of living is definitely lower in Malaysia. And you get space!! Something very missing in Singapore, don't you agree? Food is good all over Malaysia. Used to supermarket stuff and not wet markets? No worries, loads of supermarts for you to choose.
    People are friendlier and more genuine here. My friend who just went to Singapore to live says that people over there are sullen and secretive. No doubt your govt is efficient, your education system sensible and the city clean.
