Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Survey: Singaporean values

Share your views here.

Here are the survey results (51 replies).


  1. I returned to SG after living in Beijing for 2 years. Saw an article regarding the value of SG people. Some said other countries are worst off when compared to SG.

    One thing I noticed (as well as our ministers) is whenever some negatives comments on SG, they always say 'but other countries are blah blah blah'. Be it with SG people's value, minister salaries etc.

    My point is simple. Just focus on the island and share your thoughts as a Singaporean.

    Some of our fellow citizens are indeed one disgusting bunch of people living inside their own little well.

    Taking public transport for an example, inconsiderate commuters carrying a big parachute bag, fake sleepers on Priority seats, loud mouths with friends and mobile phones, hungry souls eating their hearts out..

    The list can just go on and on.

    In the end, I am so sick and tired of such ugly sights that I decided to go back to my private transport. yes, there are other kind of problems owning a set of wheels, but hey, I don't have to share seats with Ah Pek nail clipper on the MRT.

    Personally I don't know where went wrong with our decades of education system, moral value and common sense. Who is to blame? The media, the statistic obsession education minister who kept tweaking the system or the generation of parents who failed in their duties of bringing up their kids.

    Would like to hear comments from other net surfers. :)

  2. I am what they call a post-65er. In the 80s and right up to the 90s I actually felt things improving, people got more considerate, ugly social habits slowly disappearing.

    But from the late 90s onwards and more apparent in recent years, there is a distinct turn for the worse.

    I feel the cause is the unprecedented influx of foreigners, the huge presence of third or fourth world foreign workers. Singaporeans are feeling squeezed out in their own homeland.

    The overcrowding puts strain on public infrastructure. Things break down more often, streets are dirtier, litter bins overflow and spill without being cleared in time. And so over time people stop caring about the place and what is happening around them.

  3. People are getting more stressed now compared to before, especially when cost of living rises so much faster than their wages, more crowded with less personal space, wide income gap etc etc.

    So they will be short tempered, inconsiderate, selfish, etc etc.

    Can't blame them really.

  4. Now homosexual is neutral. Adultery is commonplace. Public display of affection a common sight, in public mrt, in buses and in staircases. Next waht? maybe sex in public places, lift landing?
    What is value?

  5. Finally I am seeing someone smart enough to link the degradation to the FOREIGN factor. There is a massive influx. I would call this the Great Singapore Tsunami. Not only workers, but their dependents too. Also include the student population. Some have student permit to work here (illegal). Some students do the night-clubs and sex industry. Some work in the retail sector on the pretext of industrial attachment or internship. All kinds of reasons, one motivation i.e. MAKE MORE MONEY, BOYS AND GIRLS.

    I think Singapore is on the road to decline, just like the fall of Japan, UK and the USA. I hope I am wrong on this one.

  6. I find the salespeople in the financial and insurance industry have no ethics and conscience anymore. Although they declare ethics every year. The devil also declares and says he is good.

  7. Talking about values, the only value that makes money is the right value. Companies and people alike are throwing ethics out of the window. Below is a report that says a lot of the changing values of the insurance companies. Soon they will go into immoral and illegal drugs to boost the return.

    "Wesley Boyd, the study's lead author, found that at least 4.4 billion dollars in insurance company funds are invested in companies whose affiliates produce cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.

    "Despite calls upon the insurance industry to get out of the tobacco business by physicians and others, insurers continue to put their profits above people's health," said Boyd, a faculty member of Harvard Medical School.

    "It's clear their top priority is making money, not safeguarding people's well-being," he wrote."

  8. We have never seen so many graduates joining the industries once reserved for school drop outs.
    The life insurance and property industry used to be the Ah Kow and Ah Goo turfs but now the respectable graduates are joining the fray.
    How come? it is the money and these people don't care how the money is earned so long it is earned big.Ethics? conscience? they are no longer the values when it comes to earning money.
    You can see the very people who need help most are the poor yet they are the easiest victims of insurance agents. The hard earned money meant for old age becomes the target of these agents. I have known many of them were conned into buying revosave from a company believing that this product can give them a stream of income like annuity but unknown to them if they should default, which is likely when they get older,there will be losses. But do the agents care?
    MAS is supposed to be goal keeper yet letting in so many goals.
