Monday, June 08, 2009

Writing fee

Many magazines approach people to write articles, but they declined to make any payment or they pay a very low fee. It seems to be a habit in Singapore for people to be asked to write for free. I hope that mgazines are willing to pay writers at a fair rate, so that it is possible for writers to make a living.

I have been asked to contribute articles to magazines. Although I do not need the money, I asked for payment to be made to a non-profit organisation. If they refuse, I decline to write.


  1. The mentality of Singaporeans expecting free writers and free speakers are also applicable in obtain financial advice. Customers expect to get "free" advice. Insurance agents and other FAs will than have to sell products to earn a living. End of the day it is the consumers who will suffer and there is a saying - no free lunch.

  2. i sympathize with u, however, this is part of result of governments action and, colonial past and media biasness. This will take a long time to change.

  3. Dear Mr Tan.
    Expecting to get things for "free" is deeply ingrained in Singapore.

    Another example;
    "Teach Less, Learn More".
    This is acceptable since it's from you know who/where... Singapore IDLE.... I mean IDOL.

    Try saying this to your boss:
    "I want to Work Less, and Earn More"

  4. Hi,
    Mr Tan, I would like to introduce a new fee known as listening fees.
    Very frequently I receive calls from either banks or financial planners and they will often pester me to give them an hour or so of my time to meet up and have a discussion.To shun them away I asked to be paid a fee for my time spent with them.
    It works ! I managed to get rid of them and receives much much lesser calls now.
