Wednesday, July 15, 2009

6 day detox programme

I have started a 6 day detox programme, which is working well. My experience so far (after completing 3 days) is shown here.


  1. Wow, thanks Mr Tan for sharing this timely information. I want to participate too but cannot imagine going without food for even one day, let alone 3. How did you manage to go without food for 3 d ays? Don't you feel hungry and weak?

  2. Hi Falcon,
    The health care tea helped to keep away hunger. I also take one or two apples a day. I am now on my 5th day of fasting. I lost 4 kg for the 4 days. I find that my bowels work better. I shall be posting a link to the website of the Qigong master.

  3. Hi Mr Tan,
    I am starting the programme tomorrow. After 5 days without the normal portions of food, do you feel weak and giddy or do you feel more energetic? Just trying to prepare myself for a week without food. This is going to be the greatest challenge in my life so far.


  4. Falcon,
    It is not necessary for fast for 6 days. It is all right to have some meals during the program, but the impact will be reduced - but still worth doing.

    All the best for your programme. Please update us with your results.

  5. I work full time. Unless I take leave, will be hard to complete the program.
