Monday, July 06, 2009

Are we over-reacting to Influence A (H1N1)

Read this article by Dr. Ong Hean Teik. It is purported to be publised in Malaysiakini. He advised Malaysians to take a different approach from Singapore, and to follow the approach taken in the USA.

There was a mention of Dr. Ong in my blog late last year.


  1. Whether or not we are over-reacting isn't the best question.

    How we handle the situation now is a very good precursor of what can happen if we're hit by highly infectious and deadly strain in the future. Using the current numbers, at 1000 ill, with SARS mortality of over 10%, we would have already lost 10 people.

    And this is even more infectious than SARS.

    Population density is working against us.

  2. We have experienced SARS which has killed quite a number of people.

    Though it is more fatal than h1n1 virus, people tend to be paranoid now with the previous experience.

    There are still many unknown about this virus which give further fear and uncertainty to everybody.

    Looking at the rising number each day also gives an unsettle feeling.

    Well, it is better to play safe than sorry.


  3. Dr. Ong is likely to be aware of the concept of "better to be safe than sorry".

    He must have weighed the cost of the precautions that are being taken, against the risk of not taking them, and concluded that the cost is too high.

    The Minister for Health Khaw Boon Wan also said asked the public not to over-react. But knowing Singaporeans to be "kiasu", he has to strick a middle road.

    Singaporeans tend to over-react to potential risk. There are many challenges that need our attention, which are more pressing than H1N1. We cannot focus too much attention on just one issue. This is also the cruz of Dr. Ong's message.

  4. Hi Mr Tan,
    Dr LEE Wei Ling written an article in Sunday Times about H1N1 virus.

    Medical professionals know the virus better than us.

    Yes, there are more pressing matters for us to attend to, than continue worrying about the rising number of H1N1 confirm cases and possible deaths.


  5. I am afraid the virus may mutate into something more deadly. Already showing growing resistance to Tamiflu drug.
