Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blog: Diary of a Singapore Mind

Read his views about the HK final Minibond settlement.


  1. Minister Lim Hng Kiang explains it best why and how we ended up with this outcome:
    "The process has not been overly legalistic and is not subject to political pressure. This way we serve the interests of all parties, and also serve the wider public interest of growing Singapore’s reputation as a credible and reliable international financial centre" - Minister Lim Hng Kiang in parliament.

    Now we know. The Singaporean Minibond holders are being sacrificed by the Goverment to appease the banks so that they will stay on in Singapore. I don't see the Hong Kong goverment and authorities doing the same to their citizens. They too are fighting with Singapore to be the international financial centre of the world. We should change our Singapore pledge - remove the word "justice" from "based on "justice".

  2. DMDP: Draw Millions Deliver Peanuts.

  3. Replace with "Based on the interest of the business community"

  4. I have forsaken S'pore pledge long ago and I hope to forsake S'pore soon.

    I don't attend and watch NDP, it is just another wayang show put up by PAP and SAF. I don't understand why some S'poreans are so obsessed by NDP, may be they are the supporters of 66.6%.

    I don't hang S'pore national flag during national day. S'pore national flag is just another PAP flag.

  5. My RC gave every household national Flag for display. I throw them aside. No pride being a Singaporean.

  6. "作为郑州市的一名高级官员,逯军竟大言不惭地责问前来采访的中央新闻单位记者,“ 你是准备替党说话, 还是准备替老百姓说话”。"

    "问题是他心里有两本账,一本明的专门在公开场合唱高调,显示自己紧跟党。另一本暗的则在心里深藏不露,觉得那些无非是说说而已的套话。“为谁说话”才是他的真心话,表明他根本不把“民”放在眼里,也不把党的政策当回事儿。而是上有政策,下有对策,一切以自己的利益为依归。一到紧要关头, 这种心思就免不了流露出来。"

  7. There is a Chinese translation of the Blog written by Lucky Tan here:

  8. We all now realize what are the difference between HK and AG in the handling of the toxic
    products cases.
    1.HK authority dares to look into
    the faults of FIs and enforces
    law and order for the interest of
    HK citizens. Whereas our finance
    minister worries the reputation
    of FIs being tarnished by the
    meaningless fine even though SG
    citizens had been swindled 600m
    by these cheating syndicates.
    2.HK lawmaker Ms Ip scorned at SG
    and claimed HK FIs were more
    generous than SG. In fact, HK
    citizens dare to challenge their
    authority and asked the top man
    of MAS to be removed. Could we
    do that in SG?
    3.People strongly felt that the
    interest of FIs were so well
    protected speaks a lot of prove
    to say that justice is not
    important. "官商勾结" becomes an
    evil syndrome of our society.
