Friday, July 10, 2009

Coverage of Lehman cases in Hong Kong

Hi Mr. Tan,
Why is there no coverage of what is happening with the Lehman cases in Hong Kong in our newspapers? Surely, this is relevant to the investors in Singapore, to know what is happening to similar cases in HK. The main source of this information is your blog - thank G!

I want to thank a volunteer who seaches the online version of the Hong Kong newspapers every day and sends the articles to me. Without his help (and he did it without my asking), I would not be able to put up these news clippings. My job is to check that they are relevant to the readers.

I wish that our daily newspapers would be active in covering the developments in Hong Kong. This is what a free and independent media should do. I hope that they will be more active in this coverage in the future.


  1. Mr Tan KL
    In Animal Farm, Squealer always say what Napolean wants him to say. What do you expect from The Squealer Times?

  2. Coverage of Lehman cases in Hong Kong by our newspapers? That would be "an inconvenient truth". Can't have that, can we?

  3. They don't want you to know

  4. We can not call our leader to quiet as Hongkong. However, can we ask the leader who commented before the MAS investigation "investor did with their eye open" to make apologies to the public? He should know now even we opened our eyes, we can can not avoid being cheated if there are somebody intent to, especially when they are educated and experted.

  5. Not surprise that HK news was not covered in S'pore.

    Our main stream media is owned by PAP and PAP is pro-business, pro-bank but not pro-investors who bought those mis-selling products.

    Moreover, our oppositions are weak and every GE, PAP won effortlessly.

    Wonder how those Hong Kong people who already taken up S'pore citizenship feel now about this issue?

  6. For political stability and to ensure we have the best political party in power, this is the paramount focus of our newspapers. Free speech and free flow of information is secondary. Well, we get what we vote for isn't it? This is what the 66% of Singaporeans want!

  7. Hi,
    I subscibe to cable TV channel 48, thus I can get the Hong Kong latest updates.

  8. HKMA has done a much better job fighting for HK affected investors. MAS left me fuming and disappointed.

  9. A simple and fair question to write to ST forum. Have you guys written in yet?

  10. How many victims are the 66% who voted PAP in last election?

    How many are from walkover seats?

    How many are the 33% that voted against PAP?

    Statistically speaking, I think it should be quite equally distributed among the above categories, since SIngapore is quite homogeneous. And as a percent of the electorate it may be quite small too. So I think it is still OK for PAP in the next election, statistically speaking of course.

  11. I do not know the statistic, but I do know I am no longer voting for this government after they treat me

  12. Do not vote PAP is not becasue we need another party to lead us. We just need the 2nd voice to be heard. We need the 2nd voice stronger than current one.

    I am quite satisfied for many things PAD did, but I realized we need another voice to be heard through this saga.

  13. Well, to the anon investor who voted for PAP the last election. It is too late now, they have mitigated and expected your future vote. For every vote that you cast, they have already imported three more happy foreigner turned Singaporean with the goody bags and free lunch,(needless to say you have paid for the goodybag and lunch for our newly bestowed compatriots). Now that they have come for you, there are not many left to defend you. Most of those who tried to help you have fallen, became bankrupt, exiled or simply died after years of heartache while you sat comfortably in your armchair thinking that it is not in your interest and business to even listen to them. Instead you chose to listen to the Straits Times and call them lunatics and nitwits. Well, they have come for you now and you are all by yourself. So Good Luck. You will need it.

  14. Another thing, why should they cut down those whom they brought in to fleece you in the first place? They are still continuing to import en masse these foreign sharks who will attack you lock, stock and barrel. Why else do you think they come? Everyday we hear of these foreign imports taking away your husbands, taking away your money, taking away even your life soon. Those who can already escape from this pithole, don't be surprised that those who make the decision what action to take are also from neverneverland.

  15. After Hong Kong guaranteed Fixed Deposits in Hong Kong Banks, MAS reluctantly followed suit but just for 2 years. Why MAS does not follow Hong Kong this time to compensate investors 60-70 %? A lot of foreign investors are watching. Please do not lose Singapore Finanial Centre. It hurts Singapore more than the individual investors.
