Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Doctor by Choice, a Businessman by Necessity

Read this article. In a commercialised world, many doctors have to carry out unnecessary tests to earn income to meet their operating expenses and produce a profit. The unnecessary tests are wasteful and add to the cost of the health care, which has to be borne by the patients or tax payers. This is sad.


  1. It's silly, but this is happens for real. Why it's necessary to make all this kind of staff if your only wish is to help people's health. Something is wrong with this system.

  2. We are definitely heading in the wrong direction. When I had discomfort in the chest, I tried to get myself tested for coronary problems but sad to report that after more than a year, have not been successful in getting through all the red tape and only get a test date later part of this year as there is a "long" queue.
    Ont the other hand, I went to attend a talk on shoulder pain, visited the private clinic and was prescribed an MMR scan for $800 that can be done the very next day. I realised that in the private sector your shoulder is more important than your heart and there are two different system here. Logically, I would have thought the heart scan would be much more important than the shoulder scan but yet money seems to be the deciding factor rather than needs. It follows then that a foreigner with lots of money could get themselves tested way ahead of a local even though the need for tests for a local is there. This probably explains why it took more than a year to get myself scheduled for a heart scan. This is Singapore nowadays.

  3. Yes, there is a queue system in government hospitals but that in private hospitals seems shorter.
    With money, one can get things done faster. But now we are talking about human lifes involved.
    Maybe it is easier to die than to get checked or cured for poor people.

  4. AEK Udon International Hospital or any other INTERNATIONAL Hospitals in Thailand are recommended for budget conscious patient who need speedy diagnosis finding (1 hour for laboratory test).
