Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gathering on 22 August at Hong Lim Park (2)

The gathering of investors of the credit-linked notes will be held as follows:

Venue: Hong Lim Park
Date: Saturday 22 Aug 09
Time: 5 pm to 6.30 pm.

There will be signing of the Petition asking the help of the Prime Minister to get a settlement similar to Hong Kong for investors of the credit-linked notes. The online Petition has gathered 600 signatures. The physical signing is for investors who were not able to sign the online Petition.

There will be a donation box for investors to make a contribution towards the expenses of the Gathering. Any excess will be used towards an advertisement on the Petition (if there are sufficient money) or contributed to the newly formed Financial Services Consumer Association (FISCA). Any deficit will be underwritten by some well-wishers.


  1. Dear Mr Tan,

    Is there any way for people to donate on-line? I will be out of the country in August. I am also not a victim per sec. But I feel so annoyed by the way the peoples are treated by the Authority. I am happy to donate a small sum as my token of support to others. Thank you.

  2. This donation is for noble cause. Will support.

  3. Yes, I am very happy to make a donation too and if it can be done online, it would be better.

  4. Yes, I made my little contribution too.

