Saturday, July 11, 2009

Idling ships clog up Singapore shores

The global economy is still bad and will take some time to recover. Read this report.
I hope that the Government will consider new ways to create jobs for the unemployed and school leavers. The old ways will not work. My suggestions are stated here.


  1. But it seems on the ground, people are not so affected by this recession. Queues and crowds at restaurants, Great Singapore Sale, condo launches, $600-700K HDB flats, car showrooms and latest COE rise.

    So it looks like even if economic growth is -6 or even -10%, unemployment rising, etc on the surface the effect is not that bad what. In fact no different from boom times.

    Anyone has views on this anormaly?

  2. I read somewhere that S'pore has a dual economy. The economy that relies on exports is badly affected by the global downturn sparked off by sub-prime crisis. The other economy may depend on well-being of neighbours, etc. to whom S'pore can export services or offer international financial services. Included is the internal consumption of goods and services by the over 4 million people here.

  3. If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. This is the maxim Singapore believes in, starting from the top. So, yeah, live on, carry on dancing, carry on gambling and carry on spending. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  4. A matter of CHOICE. You can behave like the Americans, enjoy now and suffer later.
    Besides, some are victims of deceptive marketing. One common sales tactic is using the FEAR factor. "Better buy now, next month you won't get this price. At least 5% increase if you are lucky" is often overheard. Some are spending with their paper gains from the recent bear market rally. They will cry later when their gains evaporating into thin air.

    Watch the hidden statistics my friend - suicide rates, crime rates, mental breakdown figures, birth rates etc - don't be deceive by what you see. Dig out what is hidden and unsaid.

    But I do think the super rich from overseas are helping to prop up demand. Just need 5% from 20 countries like USA, Japan, Korea, China, India, Germany, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, Norway, Hongkong, Taiwan, oil rich Gulf countries etc.
    Just need to attract them here with super low tax incentives and a safe place to educate their children.

  5. Jam everywhere. It also mean that when we have 8% growth, also not much difference leh. So Plus or minus 8%, look not much impact so not sure what is the relevance of the figure.

  6. The people who are queuing at the restaurants and condos, car shows etc belong to the PAP elite groups and their cronies. Cooking classes in France ? No problem for them too !!

  7. Just like the hot properties those who bought and spend are those foreigners who have taken a stake in this country after making their millions from their home country. So yes, spending is up, buying is up but are the lives of true blue Singaporeans up?
