Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lehman victims international/ planning for Sep. 15

Planning for the protests on the Lehman anniversary on Sep. 15 is progressing in Germany. We are actively discussing activities and locations in our forum here: http://lehmanschaden.19.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2170 (all in German, sorry about that...)

We want to stage one or two larger events in Frankfurt (that's the banking center in Germany and that's where Lehman had their offices) and/or Düsseldorf (that's where Citibank Germany is headquartered, they sold 75% of all Lehman bonds to individual investors over here). Other cities may stage small events or vigils on that day, especially for people who cannot/will not travel. Many of the victims are elderly...

I would like to find out which other cities/countries are willing to co-ordinate a joint protest on Sep. 15. The aim is to maximize our joint press coverage and make clear that our fate is a global phenomenon and not just a local/regional aberration. The banks (and Lehman) screwed little people everywhere!!!

Please state which city/country you represent and how many people you could mobilize. Any city/country would do their own planning, we would just co-ordinate stuff like press releases and maybe some big banners.

Please forward this e-mail to anyone you know that represents Lehman victims in other places. As far as I know, we now have the following cities/countries on this distribution list:
- Hong Kong SAR
- Taiwan (?)
- Singapore
- Spain
- Switzerland
- UK
- Germany

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

LS from Germany
Web: http://www.lehman-zertifikateschaden..biz
Forum: http://forum.lehman-zertifikateschaden.biz


  1. I thought this lehman saga affected only in some Asian countries such as HK, Singapore, Taiwan,...
    It went beyond Asia and affected some European countries too.


  2. Lehman always sounded German...
