Saturday, July 04, 2009

Local Transport Service

We should provide a local transport service to serve a town, such as Ang Mo Kio, Bedok or Tampines. It will create jobs and provide a useful service to other people who are already employed. More details here.


  1. When I was working, I used to take Scheme B bus No. 19 from Hougang to the City. It was so convenient and fast and travelling was a breeze.

    That service, together with others, were scrapped when they started the North East MRT line and revamped the public transport system.

    I think we can forget about bringing back such schemes or ideas based on such schemes, because that will be competing with you know who.

    Now the circle line must also make money, and I don't know what other bus services they will attempt to discontinue, to push commuters onto the circle line. My guess is as good as yours.

    This Government is not interested in providing useful services to the public. They are here to provide profitable businesses for their stable of companies.

    Commuters can just die of old age complaining about the transport system.

    Lost Citizen

  2. I think less people will take Comfort cabs. Their business and other cab companies would be adversely affected, and less income for government because of reduction in GST collected.
