Friday, July 03, 2009

Request for another Petition to MAS

Dear Mr. Tan
I suggest that we gather another petition to collect signatures for those who had not been offered compensation or low compensation to our MAS Chairman, Mr Goh, as he announced a fictitious figures of 2/3 being compensated. Judging from many I spoken to, I doubt this figuures are true.

According to the MAS statement, 2/3rd were offered compensation. But in many cases, the compensation was rather low (say 10%), and were not accepted by the investor.

I do not know if the investors are still keen to sign a Petition, as previous petitions have been ignored by MAS


  1. investors unhappy about the offers they received or rejected outright by FIs should join the class action lawsuit, rather than pleading from help from Mr. Tan.

    God help those that help themselves. Only you can help yourself to recover the money lost.

  2. Mr .Goh misght as well say 100% but each gets $5000.

  3. Typical S'porean EL.

    Why don't YOU start the petition, and ask TKL to put it up on his blog to attract publicity.

    Mr Tan do this, Mr Tan do this.

    And what you do?

  4. I used to think honesty & integrity is the hall mark of our governing system. Not anymore since Sept 08. Let's see how the MAS & parliment sweep the HK MAS compensation under the carpet.


  5. I still kee to sign a petition. It is not becasue I am lazy to draft a letter to MAS, but I do not have the capability to write a good and clear one.
    I also want to go to the legal practices, but more than one million's legal cost scared me, I really do not have the money to fight for that.

    I wish follow HK investors way, get help from goverment. However, we can not protest to give goverment pressure, what can we do? God send Mr Tan help us, please do not discourage him.

  6. Frankly another petition or Hong Lim gathering is futile.


    Because you must understand and know this Gahmen. They will never give in to public pressures of any kind, even if it is from the most powerful gahmen like the US.

    They want "pride" and "face" so things must be done "behind the scenes" and quietly if you want to achieve anything from them.

    Like the ancient Chinese saying:

    "Know yourself, know your enemey. 100 battles, 100 victories".

    You must know the PAP.

  7. I will sign the petition. Election is coming, i hope Mr Tan will stand for election and tell the public the truth over this incident.

  8. This gahmen just lost my family vote FOREVER. Will forever NOT step into my FI again. This is what we can only do...

  9. I will 100% sign the petiton. Close all our accounts with the FIs. Since HK investors has got at least 60% back, it is clear there are mis-selling ! Why S'pore must got to Fidrec and end up get pressured with little compensation ? I will not vote for our GAHmen also this round ... really disappointed with THEM !

  10. In HK, the securities firms pay very high percentage, or even 100% to their victims.
    But in spore it is the reverse. Very littel or no compensation.
    Why is it so?
    Confused and loss.

  11. Now the FI is heartless... when they compensate you 25% but they want to get 100% right of your CLN!!!

  12. Election is coming. The proposed petition will definitely serve its purpose. Mr Tan, Plse help us to draft. We will definitely sign it.

    Mr "A" Tan, not everyone like you also possess leadership. Plse do not discourage Mr Tan. If you think you are equally good, we would not mind to be led by you.

    Remember, good leaders are hard to find. Mr "A" Tan, plse stand out and let us support you also.


  13. Agree with Steve, pls help us draft the petitions and get people to sign up asap or during the Aug gathering ? (maybe too late)With the elections, we wan to tell PAP, they must act for us or lost our votes forever !
