Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reuters: Investors dump brokers to go it alone online


Quote: "I will never again trust anyone who is commission-driven to manage my portfolio," said Mallah. "If they're not making money off you, they have no use for you."


  1. Once you lose your trust in a person or group of people, it is difficult for your trust to be won back. However, in the longer run, we must always know that not everyone is a bad person or has bad intentions. For me, i would like to say to Mallah, to have an open mind regarding investments. Unless an individual is exceptionally smart, has insider knowledge, or just plain lucky all the time, his/her cognitive abilities will always be limited.

    Therefore, get to know a good trader, advisor, or whomever is needed to help you build up your wealth. Build up a solid relationship based on trust and respect and i am sure it will benefit you and the other party together.

    Also in life, nothing is free. A good advise is always worth some money. For example, people pay millions to have lunch with Warren Buffet...

  2. I got to know a FA well before getting into investment. Even did some check on the FI i.e. 33 years of history. Guess what? They got me into minibond and then say I took all the risk and they are not at fault. The company is Philips Securities.

  3. Never use your SA for investment. The interest rate of 4 % consider high. Not worth to take the risk..
