Wednesday, July 22, 2009

SFC, HKMA and 16 banks reach agreement on Minibonds

Read this press release.


  1. MAS should also act responsibily and get the FIs to do likewise if not at better terms.

  2. HK bokerage compensated ALL investors 100% and now banks compensating ALL 60-70%. MAS - it's time to do you job and stop playing with numbers to fool the public

  3. The news make me feel very shameful as Singaporeans. Utterly shattered.
    It feels really bitter when justice is denied. It gives a profound alien feeling in your own land.


  4. several years back I had a discussion with some HK colleagues on their observation that it's better to be a HK citizen, I now fully agree with them.

  5. To our gahman :

    - why HK minibond investors can get 60%-70% compensation and we do not ??

    - why should we vote for you at the next election if you side with the bandit banks instead of helping us ?? Please return your million dollar salaries to the tax payers, your performance sucks !!!

  6. Hong Kee,
    Why do you migrate or work in Singapore? Isn't it better to live in Communist country?

  7. See. HK is so efficient and capable. and they don't have to praise themselves, don't have to call themselves world class.

    People will praise them from their hearts.

  8. When next election I will make make decision with eyes open wide. I have informed everyone in my family and every friends about the trauma and frustration I am facing and the reaction of the elected governmnet.

  9. Next Election??? Decision already made since Sept 17. MAS, shame on you. Still have the cheek to talk about fairness & not under political pressure. FOC - Full Of Crap.
