Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What is the future for this country?

If you, MAS people, the best educated and smartest people in Singapore, allowed such unfair things to continue, I won't cry for my money, but cry for your future. If the best educated, smartest people are not looking for justice, what is the future for this country?

Read this letter.


  1. The future belongs to rich and powderful.

  2. The ordinary and poor will be the slaves to the rich and powerful.

    In bad times, the ordinary and poor have to beg (or "APPLY TO", the govt put it)the rich and powerful for mercy and assistance. This will be the future of Singapore.

    BTW, this is already happening in Singapore.

  3. Who's the greater fool?
    Those who complained time and time and yet do not exercise their democratic right, believing in government propaganda that "boat will sink" ?
    Or those who benefited from the system that "keep the boat sailing for the blessed minority" with the toils of the majority poor?

    I belong to a third group - willing to give opposition and independent a chance, but robbed of opportunity of voting due to GRC system for the last 20 years and perhaps the next 20 years as well.

  4. If you employ a person to do a job and 40 years into the job, he tells you he needs another 44 years to maybe complete the job, what will you do? 40 years into the job and we are told that Singapore is not yet a nation, yet still want millions, need another 4 decades to maybe finish the job, what are you all going to do?

  5. BTW, don't forget, the poor got to do NS to protect all those properties belonging to the rich and get paid peanuts to do all these security guard thing.

    All those rich folks' children get to become BG, Colonel...etc and then they can quickly run to Australia when war erupts under the pretext of forming a Command and Control centre lah...and you poor chaps have to fight in the front line and when you die, you get nothing whilst the BG's and Colonels will come back as "heroes"...when the war is over.

    What a great development!

  6. the govt needs to be aware and don't take people for granted why they are there in the first place.

    Many citizen have lost confidence, as the nation is moving towards rewarding self and a few selected individuals unenqually at the expense of the majority.

    Spore future is indeed bleek with many selfish leaders lost sight of their social role by not caring enough and not giving meaningful help to its people when needed especially the weak and its senior citizen.

  7. I agree with the comments. I am much discouraged about Singapore future after how government (mainly young scholars these days as policy makers) handled the minibond.

  8. What future of Singapore?
    Just work hard, and migrate to Australia - that's where the REAL future lies.
    This island are surrounded by people of "certain race" who mostly do not possessed the mindset & abilities to help S'pore move forward into a more civilised & mordern society.
    And to prevent being swamp by them, we import more PRC & Indians. And being first generation immigrants, their priority are to earn a living. Their children, the 2nd gen, would see the hopelessness of being surrounded by those mentioned above and would have plans to migrate.
    And the cycle continue.

    Furthermore, the heat & humidity here makes it difficult to cultivate a civilised creative mindset.

    just IMHO


  9. Get rid of the mindset that the authorities and the government are and want to part of the solution, they are part of the problems..part of the problems..part of the problems.

    Once the problem is defined more accurately, solution can come out. But as of now, all kinds of tricks have been done to alter the perception that their measures are well supported. Even the informed are duped.

    If the voices from the ground were heard, we could have avoided many problems: huge rising cost resulted in lost of competition; super-high minister pay resulting in breaking of country, NKF TT was a result and reflection of the pay scheme as this makes a fool out of all volunteer and kill all believe that a strong nation needs. Now we are seeing a scheme of breaking off the family...

    There is no way to convince them. We have tried repeatedly.

  10. I'm willing to support Mr Tan or the opposition too.
