Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When do you say the Emperor has no clothes

Read this article.
Give your views here, after reading the article.


  1. The observations in the article are generally correct and true.

    The PAP gahmen, being smart and alert must also have known of these problems, even without the article or other feedbacks.

    But I think they are not going to change this growth model just because of the issues raised.

    They would even think that the choices they make are the best.

    As long as they can create situations that ensure PAP 50% walkovers, 66% mandate and 98% seats at every election. And the people remain peaceful. This is most important and once this is achieved, all other issues are secondary.

    I guess they can do this more easily because Singapore is small, just a city state. Hence uniquely Singapore.

  2. The article was written by me a few years ago. I don't recall which forum I posted it in but so glad that it is just being read after so long.

    Lucky Tan.

  3. Oops the article is actually from my blog:

  4. You are not only lucky but actually quite talented. It is a real pity that our govt misrecognises foreign thrash who come and plunder, cheat, rob, steal and kill as talents instead of real local talents like you as evidenced by the many recent news reports of these imports. Singapore is doomed if this sad state of affairs continues.

  5. Even though i largely agree to the points raised in the article, it would be better if solutions to the current problems are offered.

  6. cz,

    For some of the solutions and indepth discussion of those issues, you can visit my blog:
