Sunday, August 16, 2009

Benefits for citizens and permanent residents

BT Kojak has prepared this table to summarise the benefits for citizens and permanent residents, as taken from the ICA website. The benefits for citizens are not much better than permanent residents, but carries the heavy obligation of National Service. I hope that this imbalance be redressed, so that it does not become a burden to be a citizen.


  1. Well, I do declare. The disadvantages of remaining a PR are so negligile. Perhaps that explains why many PRs do not "upgrade" their status to become citizens, or do so when they are too old to do NS.

    Yes, Singaporeans have the right to vote, but that is academic in the current political environment. They deserve a better deal than the PR "freeloaders". How about lower fees and/or higher subsidies for starters.

  2. There is no obvious difference. 2 and a half years of NS for 4.3% subsidy of 5 room HDB flat ? :(

  3. Wah, so good deal yet why I still see some PRs writing to Straits Times complaining that they want a better deal huh?

  4. Which country in the world offers its PRs such a good deal??? Mr Brooks of Canada, being a beneficiary of such deals of course praise the Govt to the sky.

  5. looking at the comparison in pungol hsing 40k differnce is a lot , however , comparing to private housing ther isnt a lot of difference?!! this seems isnt really fair to us, government intention is for greater good i know, however,you cant provide the inequality to his citizens, there is a need for level playing field. Some are more equal than others?? i serve NS & resevervist and called to goto war when the times come, my worth to the country worth that much more then PR etc...?we re not stupid?!!!

  6. It is a shame that we think National Service as a burden. NS is actually a very good training ground for our young men to be more discipline and get the good value. NS also contributes to the low criminal rate in Singapore.

    Mui Mui

  7. PR is a PaRasite of this country. They enjoy nearly all the benefits of singaporeans w/o doing NS. They also retain citizenship (and all the rights) of their original country. They have the best of both worlds. They are having their cake and eating it.

    Why is sg govt giving so much rights to PRs? Perhaps it hopes that most of them would become citizens. But this is not happenning. Perhaps the govt should now review its PR policy with its eyes wide open.

  8. Mui Mui,

    Do you serve NS and ICTs?

  9. Can you imagine Singapore without PR? the GDP will contract by at least 50%...that will make Singaporean thrid world citizen....

    Our government has done a brilliant job so far on the economy front. This cannot be achieved without the help of PRs..

    so, don't be a greedy Singaporean, it's alright to share.

  10. I was quite shock to learn that people like Mr. Tan can view NS as a burden.

    I believe NS plays a big part in keeping the criminal rate in Singapore low.

    Mui Mui

  11. Mui Mui,

    Please elaborate how NS can keep the crime rate in S'pore low?

    If NS can really keep the crime low, M'sia should have introduced it compulsory years ago then JB will be a very safe place for S'poreans to visit?

  12. yes our gdp will contract without PRS no question abt it , we should welcome them, however should not short changed its own citizens , pls provide adequate benefits to differntiate the gap. as u pay yourself top dollars for running the government , dont give us peanuts!!!!

  13. Aren't you implicitly saying that JB crime rate is not low because NS is not compulsory?

    Anyway, our young men are trained to be discipline and good via NS. This play a crucial part in keeping the crime rate low.

    It is a pity that a person like Mr. Tan see NS as a burden...pity..

    Singaporeans have options to continue to become citizen or migrate to other countries. So, it is not too far from PRs have.

    Mui Mui

  14. This "girl" Mui Mui can express her opinion independently, without finding the excuse to attack me on my view regarding NS. This is an example of people who stalk me and finds some excuses to attack me.

  15. Mui Mui ah Mui Mui, it's the mentality that counts even if one had served or not served NS to keep crime rate low.

    The "home team" should be the one whom should keep the crime rate low since it's their job and they are being paid by taxpayers.

    But they rather to be "busy" in dispersing peaceful assembly or detaining members of peaceful assembly.

    Mr Tan,

    Don't worry, I'm here to "protect" you though I'm not a "home team" member.

  16. Today something happen to me at work. I am working closely with a fellow colleague who is a Singapore PR from Malaysia.

    Recently I was served the SAF100 and have to inform my supervisors and to apply for reservist leave. And immediately i was told by my immediate boss this. "Compared you with "David" (PR), I would rather promote him than you. Becos you know what, every year at this critical period of our business, you are always called up to go back for RESERVIST. While DAVID don't even need to have all these. He doesn't need to go for IPPT, or neither have to go back for RT training. This is indeed disruptive to us.

    Fellow countrymen, does this sounds familiar to you!!! I have serve my country with 2.5 years of national service and after that reservist. I can't believe that i am nowhere to be compared to our PRs. (Please note that our work performance are equally good and there is no issue on work performance here).
