Thursday, August 06, 2009

Conduct in this blog

Someone asked if I accept criticism of my views in this blog. The answer is "yes", but I expect the following conduct:
a) The person must state his/her real name and connection to this issue
b) The remark must be fair and respectful.
I do not accept criticism from any anonymous person. It is cowardly and unfair. They often denegrate into personal attacks.
I have also blocked attacks against other people or groups. I allow some to go through, especially if they express grievance of people who felt that they have suffered injustice (such as the episode on the credit linked notes).
I observe the following conduct in posting my views:
a) I do not criticise any person or pass judgement on them
b) I use my real name; people know my background
c) I write on issues that I agree with (being positive) and disagree with (giving an alternative view)
d) I show repect to the views of other people
I hope that other commenters in this blog will observe a similar conduct.
Tan Kin Lian

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