Monday, August 31, 2009

FISCA - Choosing the people

I do not choose the people to join the FISCA committee. They will be elected by the members.

For the protem committee, I only managed to get sufficient people to sign to get FISCA started. Some of them may not wish to be in the limelight.

The FISCA committee will be elected by the members. They will not be chosen by Tan Kin Lian. But I will do my best to encourage people of integrity to step forward. It is difficult to know if someone has integrity, unless one works with that person. More importantly, we should set certain principles for people to abide by.

I hope that members of FISCA knows that they can play a part in building an organisation that is strong, and run by people of integrity. Do not expert other people to carry this burden for you. This burden has to be shared.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr Tan, You can ask my friend Mr Christopher Ng Wai Chung to join as a contributor or writer as he himself had wrote 2 books on managing one's finance. You can check out his blog & books here.
