Saturday, August 15, 2009

An equal opportunity

God creates Earth with abundant land, forest, oceans, animals, plants and fishes. He gives every person an equal opportunity to make a living as a farmer, hunter, fisherman or craftsman. He is not a capitalist and does levy a charge or rental for using the natural resources.

In a modern society, every person should be given an equal opportunity to have meaningful work for a fair wage, without being exploited by people who take the lion share of the rewards.


  1. If God is not a capitalist, is he a socialist?

  2. God creates and gives it away for free. Along came some greedy men and started selling God's resources for more and more money. They do this by selling the idea that they created value to whatever you buy from them. An example I give here is organic vegetables. First they put pesticides, inorganic fertilisers and all sorts of harmful substances and practices and charge us for a fee. Then when we wise up and did not want those harmful things, they took them out and charge us an even higher fee, because it is organic. You go to the supermarket and paid several times more to buy organic foodstuffs. Why?

  3. I know that the Church also teaches their followers to be compassionate and take care of the poor people.

    Church volunteers have spent time to uplift the lot of the poor. So, the philosophy of most religions is toward socialism, rather than capitalism.

  4. To Falcon,

    I agree with your main idea, came greedy men and sell God's resources for more money.

    But the example you used is wrong, the reason why organic food caused more today is simply because the yield per unit land per unit time for organic food is much lower than those using pesticides, inorganic fertilisers etc. Without pesticides, crops will just be desvasted by insects and other things.

    The reason why pesticides and chemical fertilisers are used in the first place is becasue of the need to provide food for 6 billions people when arable land only increases marginally.

    Why got so much people in the first place?

    Because all the Abraham religions forbade contraception and abortions. Phillphines and Indonesia, together with Africa got a very high birth rate. What are their religions?
