Monday, August 17, 2009

Lack of product knowledge

Here is a letter entitled "Appalled at the lack of product knowledge at NTUC Income" published in the Straits Times Online Forum and the comments to this letter.

There is an enormous gap between what the CEO says in his note to client and the reality of his organization. The apparent post-Tan Kin Lian slippery slope down is steep and inevitable when the top no longer walk the talk, otherwise how do you explain the rot?
End of Quote


  1. The agents are not interested in this type of products.
    Not much money to be made, why waste time.
    Concentrate on the high commission ones.

  2. Revosave and vivolife are more lucrative. If the customer was eenquiring these products then it would have been difference service.What do you expect from product pushing agents from ntuc?

  3. Money earned from pushing revosave and vivolife if done unethically and immorally will not last . House bought with this illgotten money will bring ill luck and car bougth with evil money will crash. Rmemebr you agents , do your selling and remember your customers hard earned money with their blood and sweat and don't cheat them anyhow and bullshit them because of the commission. You will be cursed day and night for stealing their money. So , waht for earn this type of money.

  4. It is not surprising. Last weekend, they hold a meeting at EXPO for the staff because they are changing the LOGO of NTUC INCOME.

    Do you see what is the problem now?? Instead of doing more for the policyholders, they are spending unnecessary money to rebrand themselves.

    Is there a need to rebrand?? NTUC Income will always be NTUC Income. It won't and cannot become another Prudential or AIA or Manulife.

    A disgruntle policyholder

  5. I think it may not be fair to pinpoint the agents for the wrong information given for this Rental Deposit Case.

    The person contacted the call centre via the hotline found in the website and not through an agent for information here.

    An NTUC agent may not be involved in this case. It is simply not fair for push all fault to an agent. It might just be the system problem whereby there are not sufficient specialised staff handling specific insurance type or that the contact centre staff could not find the right person for the right info at the right time, etc.

  6. Why are defending ntuc agent, adrain? Are u thinking of rejoining?
    Whether there was an agent or not any difference?
    The insurance agents would not be interested either and ntuc agents are unqualified even to deal with life insurance what this type of products.
    if it was a whoelife product like revosave or vivolife see whetehr the agents would be interested or not. They will tear each other up.
    Rebranding or no rebranding no difference. The agents are like old trees or old dogs, no amount of rebranding can ever change them. A product pusher or peddler is always a product pusher.
    Yes, why rebranding? NTUC is already a household name. A rose by any name is still a rose. Now I know why rebranding. Someone is so frighten to be in the shadow of Mr. TanKL.He cannot tahan. Everybody knows ntuc income is Mr. Tan KL or TanKL is NTUC. Whole Singapore know that TaNKL built NTUC up to where it is. It has been known for affordable insurance. Now this man is trying to siam his shadow and rebrand ntuc into something to stamp his name. But wait long long. he will bring it to its doom
    Products so expensive, so lousy, low return and protection , only good for the greedy agents and the company. The company is selling you feel good or stylo products no tangibility to cover the poor return and lousy expensive protection.The agents only know these products which give them high commission and the rest they don't know becuase no low commission.

  7. ntuc agents more like koyok peddlers

  8. They have many roadshow stalls pushing the revosave and vivolife koyok. They are not qaulified financial advisers but koyok pushers

  9. I had the misfortune to be holding a temp job at BTUC Income (no intention to switch to perm). The contact centre are really a bunch of useless people who has no idea of what is going on. They are fond of forwarding alot of simple & stupid enquiries to our department which they can actually handle themselves but would not do so due to laziness or some other reasons. As for the officers, only a handful are capable of handling queries from brokers or clients. Very pathetic. You should see the way the staff dressess. Walking around the office in cheap sandals & slippers & bulky & ugly windbreakers as jackets. Very unprofessional.

  10. Have you ever sat on the $2000 chairs?

  11. The $2000 chairs are no go. Only privilege people are allowed to go to the 6th floor where all the expensive stuff are.

    And beware, there is always a security guard standing guard outside the lift lobby on level 6. You will never get pass him. And also nowadays, the glass doors are locked. You need the staff ID pass to gain access to it.
