Monday, August 31, 2009

Lost a job at 58

Read this story of a person who lost his job at 58.


  1. His first wrong move is to divorce his wife. Fate does not favour those who are heartless and unfair. He thought he is invaluable and priceless. He has been brought down to earth from his high faluntin ways.

  2. In spore, it is even worse.
    Many have lost their jobs in their 40s.

    The new citizen may be happy now. But can they keep their jobs after 45?
    They will either go back to their own countries, or .......
    Many former FTs have now become taxi drivers or Insurance agents.

  3. He should concentrate as hard on on creating his own job and looking for one

  4. You are right, I see many of my ex-colleagues from fortune 500 companies now working as cashiers in NTUC Fairprice and Cold Storage, some in bakery shops as well as insurance. Is this the more good years and Swiss standard of living that was promised? Recently, Japan got its 50 year old govt replaced. I have a feeling our 40 year old govt is going to suffer the same fate too.

  5. Right , he should become insurance agents and bullshit his way around . He can solicit on the street. He can throw away his MBA.It is hindering him. life Insurance is for drop outs, retrenched, former secretaries who are too old and ugly, receptionists, clerks, taxi or bus drivers, useless engineers etc. Life insurance is never chosen as a career and this explains why people see it as a get rich quick scheme or anything you can say business or job for those who cannot find a job.

  6. I was a FT but I lost my job at 48 and unemployed since with overseas post graduate qualification. I am a Singaporean since 16 years ago and I am now 57. the only lucky thing that happen to me is that I planned for retirement and retrenchment so when I was a senior regional manager, I did my saving and is able to live well enough without a job for 10 years now.

    I do some part time job once a while when I spot an opportunity but these do not come often enough. Most headhunters who courted me throughout my career when I was young have told me then when you are over 45, you are deem too old and have expired if you do not hold a job, prospective employers think there is something wrong with you and recruiters do not want to spend time explaining your case.

  7. ""The only lucky thing that happen to me is that I planned for retirement and retrenchment so I was able to live well enough without a job for 10 years now.""

    You are lucky indeed.
    Some sporeans lost their jobs many years ago. Now they even lost part of their savings in the Minibomd saga. With such risky products around, it is difficult to keep your savings "safe".

  8. I lost my job at age 53 through Merger & Aquisition and being an underdog only to be swallowed up by incoming company to train their staff, as I was stressed to death only to find my fate or job career taken over by the newer staff.

    Being demoralised, I had to resign with dignity!
    It happens in Singapore not necessarily with FT.
    I did my retirement planning and now 9 yrs. later, am laughing all the way to the bank so to speak!!!due to some windfall!!!

  9. Keep in mind that, although much of society sees it that way, we are not our job.

  10. Great point. When we have things taken away from us (including our job) we should be able to see our life much clearer.
