Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Moderation of my blog

I adopt the following approach towards moderating my blog:

a) I allow people to express honest views, even if they disagree with my views
b) I allow more than 95% of comments to be published
c) I block comments that are malicious, defamatory or personal attacks

Those who wish to make personal attacks can do it in other blogs. You will not be granted the "freedom" to do it here. If they disagree with my moderation policy, they do not have to visit my blog.


  1. I fully support your policy. I am just wondering why your blog attract such a large 5% of posting attacking you. People have nothing better to do?

  2. The 5% are those who attack me, those who attack others, defamatory postings, rude postings, sarcastic postings and irrelevant to the topic.

  3. Will you allow criticism?

  4. Mr. Tan, you will have my full support too.

  5. Mr Tan,
    Totally agreed with you.
    It is good to have a goal keeper to ensure undersirable views are not published.

  6. Mr Tan, you seem to only publish views that agree with yours. You tend to censor those that are critical of the minibond investors.

  7. Reply to Comment Aug 6, 11:28 PM

    These comments were intended to ridicule the investors. You have to give your real name and connection to this issue, if you wish your comment to be published.
