Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Norway towns sue Citi over structured note losses

Perhaps it is time for Town Councils in Singapore to sue the distributors, following the example of the towns in Norway. Read this article.

I suggest that residents send this article to their Town Councils involved in the credit-linked notes.


  1. Not just Norway; it happened in Australia as well. Lehman's Australian arm sold exploding CDO-linked structured credit notes to a bunch of shire councils; the lawsuits started flying as early as February 2008.

    As of April 2009, the Lehmans administrators were offering five-and-a-half cents in the dollar.

  2. TCs have the talents, expertisem resources and money. How can they not taking any actions?
    These are people's money!!!

  3. Every affected countries and their garnment are doing the right things, pressing for justice.Look at our beloved garment..."justice and equality " ????

  4. How to know if my TC involved in the notes?

    My TC can't even solve water ponding on service road don't think they will take up this case.
