Sunday, August 16, 2009

Organising the Petition and Gathering - my personal perspective

The past few weeks, since the launch of the Petition, had been difficult for me. I had to face these challenges:

a) Sceptics. These are people who sneered at the effort and declared that there would be no support for the Petition and that the Government would not listen anyway.

b) Enemies. These are people who attacked me through anonymous comments in my blogs and elsewhere. They dislike me for various reasons or may be acting on the instructions of the financial institution or the authority.

c) Fear-mongers. These are people who created unfounded fear and warned me to be careful, giving their advice on how to avoid getting into trouble with the Government.

d) Lack of support from the media. Although I approached about 10 journalists three times, none of them covered the Petition. There was total silence. My emails remain unanswered.

My task was made more difficult by the unwillingness of the investors to step forward to speak. They did not want to be seen as trouble makers or be known that they had lost a lot of money. The installation of the cameras at Hong Lim was another deterrent. A Tan, who is helping me in FISCA, keeps complaining that if the investors are not willing to step forward, why should Tan Kin Lian take the brunt of the personal attacks and sacrifice? He compared the docile attitude of the Singapore investors, with the bravery of the Hong Kong investors.

I considered asking some opposition politicians to speak, but decided against it. I did not want to politicise this issue and make it more difficult for the investors to get the hearing of the Prime Minister.

But Providence is on my side. Two significant events occurred after the launch of the Petition. First, there was the Hong Kong settlement, which was surprising fair and favourable to the investors. It set a benchmark for Singapore to be compared. Second, Great Eastern Life decided to give full compensation to the policyholders who were mis-guided into investing in the Great Link Choice, which is similar to the structured notes.

To my surprise, the Petition collected more than the initial target of 300 signatures. With more signatures on 22 August, I hope that it will surpass the new target of 1,000 signatures.

To the credit of the Government, I did not receive any direct threat or harrassment for my efforts.

We are now counting down to the Gathering on 22 August, which is only 6 days away. I am encouraged by several investors, who thanked me for my efforts, even though they knew that it will be an uphill task. They felt that it was necessary to organise the Petition and Gathering to register the anger of the people who were treated unjustly and were let down by the leaders.

But, who knows? Providence may be on our side one more time. I am always hopeful and positive.

We are now counting down to the Gathering on 22 August, 5 p.m. at Hong Lim Park. See you there.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Press on, Mr. Tan . till the crown is won.
    You are already winning until the finishing line.

  2. Don't worry. I will continue the effort, until all avenues are exhausted.

    I only wanted to share with everyone about the nonsense that I have to deal with, from cowards who attack me anonymously.

  3. The more they attack you means you are winning. That is why they are so pissed off that they are spending time writing to attack you. I will be worried if no one attacks you because it will mean that it is not making any dent or impression on these people.
    Keep up the good work. We support you fully.

  4. You are one of the few kind soul left in this world. Million thanks .

  5. Mr Tan you are doing a good deed. If you have done nothing wrong nobody can do anything to you. Take care and good luck.

  6. Hi Mr Tan,

    If it can make you feel better, put some of the attacks back on the blog and let the general public, like us, to provide our views. I think as long as we are fair with our views, we hope the writer can understand personal attack is not a way to resolve something he is unhappy about.

    e.g. Accusing TKL of stiring trouble by holding Hong Leong Park gathering or Keeping this issue visible is politically motivated.

    As a reading public, we can provide our views. My view on this is TKL is making a personal sacrifice to be the 10,000 investors voice for injust handling by MAS as well as FIs refusal to treat those investors fairly.


  7. Thank You from the bottom of my heart !

  8. Mr. Tan,
    Lets keep the opposition out as this will make it much harder for PM to respond once politices are involved. Good decision.

  9. Written words forms Opinion which can be positive or negative depends on how it is written. Getting angry over it [naturally so] is normal and stressful but it can only be resolve through words so that opinion can change. President Obama [US$250,000 per year salary @ 50% tax & answerable to 300 million people] is not having a great time on healthcare reform. But he believed it is critical to overhaul now else the escalating medical cost will bring the future generation down on their knees.

    Another thing, forgiving those who slam you with cruel remarks can only make you stronger as long as you know you are doing the right thing for the 10,000 investors.

    Sometime I think if a person is not one of the investors, it is difficult to understand the pain we are going through. We were not greedy but swindle by FIs whose interest is commission and sales quota.

    Remember, market goes up, market goes down. It will happen again. When it does, do you look for TKL? Who will stand up for them then? Definitely not MAS, DBS, Temasak, Govt or the Opposition.

  10. I just want to put down my appreciation to Mr Tan Kin Lian and all volunteers

  11. Please do not be discouraged to represent the oppressed ones. Justice will prevail.

    With God's grace you will be rewarded.

    We look up to a great leader like who fights endlessly for a good cause and righteousness.

    They have a case to think about and response. As human being, they should have a conscious with hearts and minds to think through.

    This gathering will signal a tumulous gesture to the the HIgh Authourities and the World that the investors'powers should NOT be ignored.

  12. Dear TKL

    It's not that this Govt does not threaten or harrass you. It's just that they dare not do it openly as people are already very angry with MAS. This Govt do it in a sneaky way by asking their own kakis to heap scorn on you thru your blog, and try to run you down and discourage you, thereby hoping that this fiasco would die down soon, paving the way for the next GE. MAS = PAP

    Jia You

  13. If washing hand after shaking a fish monger hand can knock out a woman political career, I wonder what's the outcome of a MAS investigation report that says FI mis-sold and ask investors' fight their own battle will do to the party image?

    This is serious. I think they know. My only hope is they know what they are doing and hopefully, the high value liquidation of MB notes can lessen the impact. According to the standard of Hong Kong, Lehman bankruptcy had a first round of meeting with countries rep on the money on hold. If MAS is smart, they should use this as a leverage to take back the control of Notes in USA. Millionairs have funny way to settling problem so far they solve it like a $60,000 salaried person.

  14. Do not give up! We are almost there. More will join us soon.

  15. Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,

    I hope you become our PRESIDENT soon!!
