Sunday, August 09, 2009

Prudential Yield 15/20 (2)

Someone posted a comment that the Prudential 15/20 is similar to the Great Link Choice. Can policyholders of this product give feedback on:

a) The structure of the product
b) Does it guarantee against the failure of a certain number of CDOs
c) What is the current value of the various tranches of this product?



    14 defaults so far. Can sustain about another 9 before the principle is affected. Matures in June 2010 so it's less than a year to go. Current yield 15 price is 0.652. The lowest ever reached was about 0.40 a few months back.

  2. To Lion Investor
    When the Prudential agent sold this policy to me, she never told me that I have to go to the temple every week to pray that there is no more default, that will make my moeny go up in smoke. Insurance is supposed to be peace of mind, but it is giving me stress and sleepless night.

    On top of that, the agent must have earned a lot of commission by selling the toxic to me.

  3. If insurance agents can provide you peace of mind they don't have buisness anymore to do. It will peices of mind for them.
    I suggest that you lodge a complain with company and copy to MAS for the mis-selling and misrepresentation.

  4. Don't complain, then sue the agent for mis-selling.What about it?
    Must get rid of these agents .They earning their living by conning your money. Any difference from robbing or stealing?

  5. I am also a holder of the policy (Yield 15/20)and did not know that there is a possibility of losing my money until recently. I have filed a complaint and HSBC gave me an irresponsible and insincere reply - brushing aside all the fault.

    I am looking for people with the same experience as me and are unhappy with this policy. The name "capital-protected" is totally misleading and the agent who sold me did not inform me at all that it is actually not capital protected.

    I am considering action to the higher authorities.

  6. Lodge a complaint with the company and copy to MAS and CASE for the mis-selling and misrepresentation and non disclosure of the risk.
    Demand full refund of the premium. The contract is based on the utmost good faith of the agent to disclose everything. Failing which the contact is void.

  7. I know, but how useful is CASE and MAS in helping with this? I have called them before and they don't seem to have the structure in place.

    I just do not understand why the government allows these irresponsible acts to take place here.

  8. same here my mom also bought this product from HSBC... and the agent didnt inform my mom that she can end up losing all her money if 20 company went bankrupt. She always thought that capital protected means the capital will always secure, even when the investment goes down the drain.

  9. UOB is now offering to buy back the note, will you guys consider ?

  10. ya, i bought from UOB and now they are offering to buy back.... moreover the guy from UOB advise me on take the offer. he said he is speaking on his own, not the bank's. anyone know which companies did this product invest in. I can't find the info
