Monday, August 10, 2009

Sense of belonging lacking among youth

44 years of nation building may be futile. Read this article.


  1. Sad. And even sadder things may not improve or even worse in future.

  2. The Straits Times coverage of National Day indicate that many young people are proud to be Singaporeans.

    Which is the correct version?

  3. Mr Tan,

    Not true. I know of many young ppl (from the elite schools) who have vowed not to come back after they have graduated overseas.

  4. It is timely to have a free and independent press now.

    Non-elite like myself whom is a p65er didn't want to come back after my overseas education. I came back only for my parents not for S'pore. I'll go once my parents surrender their pink ICs to S'pore Govt.

    My elder bro whom is also a p65er has been staying and working in USA since his graduation there donkey years ago. Hope to reunion with him soon in USA.
