Monday, August 03, 2009

Survey: Favourite Singaporean expressions

Many Singaporeans use the following expression often, "be careful". It reflect a character trait - caution. This character trait make many Singaporeans scared to decide. They prefer to let other people decide for them. Do you agree?

Take part in this survey.


  1. Kia Su Singaporean.

    Singaporeans have lost their fighting spirit. They become complacent, they become materialistic, they generally don't have inspiration to live larger than life.

    There are very limited souls who seek beyond economic achievements, J.B. Jeyaretnam is one of them.

  2. Hello REX comments as follows,

    The phrase "be careful" is common in singapore in various contexts. Other than the obvious context such as "be careful" when crossing the road, etc. the other context is more subtle, i.e. be careful else the government will punish you, be careful else your business will fail and you are doomed.
    Well as for the latter contexts, i think we are conditioned this way, Pavlov style, because of the stifling political environment. We really have to "be careful", "Big Brother" is watching you all the time and holds the trump card (ISAct!!) There's also no welfare system such as retrenchment benefits, or old age provision(CPF rules make it quite obvious that the government couldnt afford it to allow anyone to withdraw on cash basis what is rightfully theirs!!!_) and the government thinks its role is to hoard loads and loads of cash for what i don't know. (for defence, to buy submarines, i think. against what i also don't know), we're just a mini version of Burma or North Korea, so please be careful, today, everyday!

  3. "be careful" means take care of your "rice bowl". In Hokien they said need to "tan chiak"

    Gahmen control a lot of the economy, so you know a lot of people (at least 66%) directly or indirectly depend on the Gahmen for their "rice bowls".

    If "rice bowl" no more, talk or do other things no use.

  4. We are lucky that at least there are small percentage of Singaporeans who are not in the always "be careful" and "don't bother" range....

    Mr. Tan is one of them!!!
