Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Survey Results - National Service (3)

Here are the survey results, based on 150 replies. The results are similar to the interim report based on 100 replies.

Less than 10% of respondents (male citizens who have completed national service) are happy with the current arrangement. 54% said that they should be paid an adequate, regular salary. 37% prefer other ways to protect the nation (e.g. full time soldiers).

In the event of a war, 57% would not fight and give their life for Singapore. Some of their reasons are stated in the report. This is a worrisome finding and indicate that the morale problem needs to be arrested urgently..

There is a strong view (80%) that permanent residents should have the same NS obligations as citizens. 65% felt that females should also perform NS, but most prefer a non-combat role.

1 comment:

  1. Singaporean in general have "kia su" mentality.

    Most afraid to be sued by government for speaking up on behalf of others...

    Most prefer to adopt "bo chap" as long as they are not the party who suffer losses.

    Given above observation, it is not surprising that most are not ready to die for Singapore...I'm quite sure most will migrate if they are given options (1) to die for Singapore or (2) to migrate...

    Mui Mui
    Mui Mui
