Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Update on Gathering of 22 August (1)

1. Donations
I have received donations of $1,300. This includes a generous donation of $500 from an investor. The total is sufficient to meet the expenses of the Gathering, but not sufficient to take an advertisement on the Petition. Any balance, after deducting expenses, will be donated to FISCA (Financial Services Consumer Association). Further donations are welcomed.

2. Volunteers
5 people have volunteered to help with the ground work on 22 August. I need more volunteers. Please send an e-mail to You have to report at 4 pm at the cafe outside the Hong Ling CC on 22 August.

3. Petition
730 people have signed the online Petition. We will collect more signatures at the Gathering to reach the target of 1,000 signatures.


  1. I like to volunteer if I know what exactly u wanted us to do.

  2. If you wish to volunteer, send an email to

  3. Mr. Tan,
    likely not many peole will show up as some have been compensated, some taking legal actions, some give up plus some scared of the new cameras.

  4. can the petition be signed by people who did not buy the minibonds? I would like to sign the petition but I did not invest in any of the toxic bonds.

  5. Congratulations! Glad at least some donations received. About FISCA. What does it mean to join? Perhaps a weblink in this blog will help interested ppl to read more and keep updated on activities of FISCA. Then they can decide if they want to join. Also if cash payment acceptable or atm transfer acceptable. Haven't used paypal but have done atm transfer for online product. I found it ok.

  6. The Petition has to be signed only by the affected investors.

  7. I would volunteer only if I know what I have to do. Otherwise, it is risky to commit without knowing!
