Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Animal Farm - a production by SMU students

I wrote an article entitled "Is Animal Farm relevant to Singapore"? The SMU students will be staging a play in October. I like to encourage you to attend this play and support the students. (NB: they planned the play before the publication of my article)

Directed by Gene Sha Rudyn
Organised by SMU Stageit
Supported by SMU Office of Student Life

Synopsis of the play:
Manor Farm, one of the top notch farms in the land, is run by a Man named Jones. Lead by the Pigs – Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer – the Animals throw Jones off the farm, rename it Animal Farm and take over its running on their terms. Their independence is affirmed when, under the heroic leadership of Snowball, they quell Jones’ attempt at reacquiring Animal Farm by force. Not able to see eye to eye, Napoleon ousts Snowball to claim the seat of rule of Animal Farm for itself and its cronies, including its child Minimus. Meanwhile, the Lower Animals – Boxer, the horse; Clover, its workmate; and Benjamin, the donkey – have to be content with working the farm daily; deprived of milk and enticed only by the occasional slice of red apple; their faith in a better future coaxed by the spiritual prophecies of Moses, the raven.

What does the future hold in store for the Lower Animals – the less privileged, less educated, and less well-born? What is the light of hope for them when absolute power absolutely corrupts?

10 and 11 Oct 2009 (Saturday & Sunday)
Victoria Theatre

Ticket prices:
Early Bird Special
$26 - Adults
$18 - Students, NSF

(Oct 1st onwards)
$28 - Adults
$20 - Students, NSF

Buy your tickets now through SISTIC website, www.sistic.com.sg, SISTIC hotline: (65) 6348 5555 and at all SISTIC Authorised Agents.

1 comment:

  1. This novel is famous. Buy the tickets and enjoy the performance. Pay special attention to the story - does it remind you of what is happening in Singapore today?
