Monday, September 07, 2009

BBC: Capitalism, A Love Story

Read this article. It explains clearly why and how the world has got into this big mess, and also suggest a better way forward. I agree with the views made by Michael Moore.


  1. Mid-19th century, Mr karl Marx against capitalism. "Capitalism is evil" had happened in early days.

    Why the evil is repeting today?

    Why people here is not aware of such evil?

  2. Capitalism is not an ideology, Marxism is. Kind of like Marxism is a 'concept', whereas Capitalism is 'implementation method'. Capitalism when elevated to ideology status becomes Reagonomics. The brand of economics policies practiced by the PAP govt under LHL is also very close to Reaganomics, and that is the problem.

  3. leave him alone...he is

  4. Tan Kin,

    Capitalism is a blessing. It has given a culture of convenience and has contributed more to philanthropy than any non-capitalist society.

    The issue is not about capitalism, it's about people. God deals with people who don't listen to their conscious in His own special way.


  5. It might sounds religious but it is better that everyone has a religion and be faithful to it, especially the one that teaches everyone to share own fortune with others who are less fortunate. But nowadays selfishness rules.

  6. I think its funny micheal moore made this movie Because in the film he goes after AIG for moving fed bailout money into offshore bank account(which the american people should be really upset about) But what he doesnt tell you is that AIG is owned by Goldman Sachs and Goldman Sach was one of the biggest investors in the movie. This film is made by wall street to take the blame away from them.
