Wednesday, September 23, 2009


The following table shows the ratio of billionaires to population. HK has the highest ratio followed by USA. They tend to reflect nations with the widest disparity of income. I wonder where Singapore stands?

Country Billionaires Population Ratio
USA 269 303 m 0.88
Japan 29 127 m 0.23
Germany 28 82 m 0.34
Hong Kong 14 10 m 1.40
UK 12 60 m 0.20
Singapore ? 5 m ?


  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    There are at least 8 billionaires in Singapore

    Ng Teng Fong $8.0B
    Khoo Family $5.5B
    Kuok Khoon Hong $3.5B
    Kwee Brothers $3.2B
    Wee Cho Yaw $3.1B
    Zhong Sheng Jian $ 2.0B
    Peter Lim $1.5B
    Kwek Leng Beng $1.5B

    Plus some hidden billionaires and some getting very easy fat pay???

    With a population of 4.8m, the ratio is 8/4.8=1.66, rank one in front of HK.


  2. 3 areas produce billionaires.

    1. Property
    2. Stock/commodities
    3. Banking

  3. I agree with the analysis from the first posting. Singapore ranking is definitely above HK.

  4. Do we include foreigners into the overall population?

  5. This survey made many Singaporeans, mainly poorer ones and those struggling to get jobs to support their families, see red with resentments. Why should the rich gets richer, and the poor gets poorer. No wonder MM Lee said there is no such thing as 100% equality and 100% justice. The Pledge really sounds hollow and hypocitical.

  6. All are from Industrialised nation.

    Who feed them food?
    The poor farmer!

    Had superrich help the poor farmers?

  7. There's one major error in this post.
    Hong Kong's population is 7 million only.
    so 14/7=2 billionaires per million people.
