Sunday, September 06, 2009

Cheated by a lawyer

An investor told me that he has been cheated by a lawyer. The lawyer took up his case and charged him a large fee to handle it. The lawyer did not handle the case diligently and did not act in his interest.

I advised the client to lodge a complaint with the Law Society regarding the conduct of the lawyer. But, he is not prepared to do so.

Many Singaporeans are so gullible that they can be cheated time and again. The standard of honesty in our society has deteriorated to a low level.


  1. Ever tot person complaining is not telling truth?

    If he thinks he was cheated, why is he not willing to complain? Could it be he afraid of the truth coming out?

  2. When a person faces unfair treatment, he may not always have ways to see redress.
    Eg: Your newly bought hp was stolen. You made a police report. What's next? Do you think you will recover your hp?
    You saw a big sized man using the water from the fire hose to wash his car. You know is incorrect & complained to town council but took no further action. Are you going to confront that man?

  3. I think sometime you may not have the energy and resources to seek redress. I remembered 25 yeras ago as a young executive, I was cheated by a furniture shop owner. With energy and resources, I engage a lawyer to get my money back though the sum was S$1,000 but the legal fee will be much higher if the case goes to court. My brief to the lawyer was that I am prepared to spend $100,000 to see justice done and to teach the fraudster a lesson.
    Today, being unemployed for 10 years and retired, I no longer have the energy and resources to fight for my 100,000 losses in minibond to cough out more legal fee. I just accepted the losses and let the dishonesty goes by.
