Saturday, September 26, 2009

Control over reckless bankers

“We cannot tolerate the same old boom-and-bust economy of the past,” Obama said after the talks. “Never again should we let the schemes of a reckless few put the world’s financial system and our people’s well-being at risk.”

Obama at G20, Pittsburg


    - Many mini booms & mini burst over years
    - Few recessions over years
    - Feature: exploitation of resource
    - e.g. Potuguise (past), Spain (past), Denmark(past), UK(past), German(past), Japan(past), USA(now), China & India (future)

    - No booms & no burst (bec no transparency)
    - Only revolution at begining and end
    - Feature: no human right
    - e.g. Soviet Union

    In between, what is human choice?
    Is there not better choice?

    How much time do we have to learn?
    - climate chage
    - many city will underwater in next 30 years

    Obama talk about "change", can he be a next president to continue "change"?

  2. A London Professor againsts Capitalism (FI)

  3. Imagine this scenario. Obama failed to get re-elected in the next US Presidential election and the Republicans come into power with the same old Bush era politicians calling the shots. Can they not change the rules again? The party that believes in 'greed is good' doctrine is not going to miss the chance of having a second go at the money making opportunity coming their way again.

    Every US President talks about bringing change or bettering the lives of its people before they were elected. After getting into the White House, they get themselves entangled in knots of intrigue and could not get their plans into motion.

    I am skeptical about any changes in the financial landscape coming into fruition. A little posturing is all there is to it until the next President takes over and all is forgotten.
