Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Difficult and costly to get a taxi

It was difficult and costly for me to get a taxi this morning, during an unexpected emergency. Many people faced the same difficulty. Read here.


  1. The best solution to the taxi problem will be low cost high availabilty of taxis, the next best solution will be high cost, high availabilty, but we have got the worst solution of high cost low availability. Not only this, taxi drivers are joining the bandwagon of conmen as they pull out all their stunts to squeeze commuteres of every dollar while not delivering value. As I am writing this, I am waiting for a taxi company to reply to my feedback of my daughter taking a cab that cost over $15 from Ang Mo Kio to Yishun. It is ridiculous to be paying for such a short journey such a high price. What I understand from my daughter is that the taxi driver tried his best to stop at every junction and to tailgate at the most crowded lane. Taxi drivers seem to have evolved their techniques of maximising profit at the expense of commuters. What should be a fifteen minute journey turned out to be more than 45 minutes. What must change is for an independent body to monitor feedback instead of the same company monitoring it as there is no motivation to improve. It is just like asking the banks to investigate their own wrongdoings. What we get is just lip service. Furthermore, the LTA must review its policies for obviously it is not working. High cost low availability is the worst solution and even a donkey can achieve it!

  2. Singaporeans should be bold enough to hitch hike.
    If the situation is bad enough, everyone can just stick out their arms and wave. If the drivers are kind enough, just request to be dropped off after 2-3km.. no detours.
    The hitch hiker can also leave a token behind in appreciation of the gesture.
    This is the REAL market at work.
    Tokens can help with the expense of the drivers, after all, its along the way. Why depend on lousy taxis?.. take matters into our hands, without breaking any laws.
    We can do this.

  3. During the start of the F1 season, people should anticipate this situation. I took the MRT this morning to work & it was jammed packed. Those who drives or took a cab were all stuck in traffic jams.
