Monday, September 07, 2009

Do you like the concepts?

A few people have passed comments that the suggestions in "A New Society" are too idealistic and impractical. They asked how these ideas can ever be implemented in our current environment.

I wish to advice readers to separate the concepts from the implementation. We need to focus on the concepts and ask, "will this lead to a better world?" It will take time to educate people and to show them that a new society can be build on new principles.

Similarly, the major religions will take a long time to be understood and accepted, before they become part of the mainstream life.


  1. hello REX has some comments;

    I thought it was quite obvious that the ideals of the new society, which you proposed,are definitely GOOD. Unfortunately for practical reasons, i have to borrow a word from Dear Leader, the ideas seem to be just ASPIRATION. (a.k.a. wishful thinking.)

    I thought that it may be difficult to compare the re-construction of such new society, with the concept of the metarmorphosis of world religions. In the former case you don't have the benefit of any commonality or similiarity amongst an infinite spectrum of the population, each unit having different agendas\; in the latter case, there is a commonality of race in the first place and a commonality of looking at a single external "god" entity- the fear factor of "retribution" also makes a lot of difference in winning minds. So the comparison is perhaps not too illuminating, in my opinion.

    Nevertheless, it will be really great if something can be done to achieve even 10% of the quality of such new society being proposed!

  2. Agree with Rex.

    The lateJBJ had some great concepts for our society but unforunately his grasp of economics was poor.
