Saturday, September 19, 2009

Experience with Part Time Work Portal

I tried to locate part time workers at the Part Time Work portal, I was able to get two good candidates for a project work, where they can work from their home.

It was more difficult to get someone to work in the office. Many of the registered people did not reply to my e-mail. Some have found a job already. I am still trying.

The advantage of this service is that it is free to the employer. It is also easy to find a worker that lives close to the place of work. I will be trying the unemployed workers at the older ages, as they are more likely to want my kind of work.

I wish to encourage employers to try this portal. If you wish to get someone to do the preliminary screening, you can click on the tab Agency. We will handle the initial search and screening for you.

I also encourage unemployed people and those looking for short term work to register in the portal. Although it is for Part Time Work, some employers are keen to offer full time work. It is also possible to do project work from your home. (Part Time Work)


  1. I received a reply from a middle age unemployed person, who expressed interest in the job, although the pay was only half of what he earned previously (but the scope of the work is different).

    I hope that this Part Time Work portal can be another avenue to match jobs with unemployed people.

  2. Dear Mr Tan
    Again, bravo to you and your team for helping Singaporeans without the wayang.

    - no big press releases

    - no fancy initials to identify "a new strategic thrust"

    - no complicated matching grants from government with an accompanying pile of forms to fill

    - no long winded debate in parliament

    - I bet there wasn't even a scholar to write a paper to present to a Borad of Directors before this Work Portal was set up

    I can't remember the last time things got done this way in Singapore!!

    Thanks for bringing back memories of a simpler Singapore!!

  3. Hi Mr Tan,

    I am the previous PW.L in the earlier post on the part time job. Just to tell you that I am the student herself. Hope you will look through and consider me for the part time offer.


  4. Hi PW.L
    Please send your resume to I cannot consider you, if I do not know you.

  5. Although it is a gallant effort to help the unemployed the fact remains that pay in Singapore for work is too low to justify the effort. This probably explains why the top chefs in top hotels are on the take. Pay is too low so corruption has to set in. The solution is to raise the pay after raising the expectations.

  6. Many of the job applicants did not respond to my email. I decided to send a SMS to them. It worked magic. They checked the email and replied to me. A few are suitable. So, this seems to be a good way to handle the recruitment.
