Friday, September 04, 2009

A generous donor

One investor donated $500 towards the expenses of the Gathering on 22 August. As the actual expense was quite low, and the total donation exceeded the expenses, I wanted to return back $400 to the donor.

He replied that he wish the money to be donated to FISCA. He is generous. I hope that more Singaporeans can learn to be generous (and not selfish), and to think about the welfare of others.


  1. Bravo to him. His generosity put my $10 donation to shame.

  2. Give him a membership. ))))))

  3. If 700 of those who had signed the petition had each contributed $20....Mr Tan could have proceeded to place a full page Ad in the paper to highlight their plight, but Alas!they behaved like typical Singaporean, let others do the work!!!

    I had contributed $50, and I did not invest in this product,but gave because I feel an injustice had taken place based on the fact the regulator had "washed their hands" of this issue.

  4. Those who have invested gladly gave their hardearned tens of thousands to conmen. But when it came to a worthwhile cause their ten dollars became as big as a bullock cart. Someone should coin a term to describe such people who taunt those who try to help them and thank those who try to con them.
