Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Interview by Foreign TV

A few foreign TV stations wish to find a Minibond investor to be interviewed, to share his or her experience on the impact of the investment on their life, and how the distress that they suffered to get compensation. If you are willing to be interviewed, please send an email to Please come forward for your story to be told.


  1. Hoz the response to this?

  2. will it be paid? If it is, I am will to be. At least we can own back a little by selling our sad story since all channels we tried are impossible now.

  3. No body has responded to my request. It is disappointing. If the victims do not come forward, your story will not be heard.

    Channel News Asia has also asked to interview somebody. I hope to see some volunteers come forward. There will be NO PAYMENT.

  4. Many have given up hope. Will there be any difference made after the interview ?

  5. Mr. Tan,
    Singaporeans are very kiasi and shy. No one willcome forward. They rather loose the money.

  6. Will Channel News Asia dare to report PM reject or ignored our petition? Will they interview the CC( Community centre) who has been cheated a lot of money and how are their life affected? If not, we do not want to be hurt 2nd times?

  7. I have read a few comments made by previous posters that those affected has "sat back and accepted their faith" by not responding to the efforts made to redress an injustice.... I now, very reluctantly state, that " since you decide not to do anything about it, you should loose your investment"!

    If it were me, I would be very angry and will continue to protest and assist it all effort to right the wrong, in a continued peaceful but regular manner.....especially seeing that there are persons willing to assist in this process....

    "We Singaporean deserve what is dished out to us"!

    To the poster, who said are you going to be paid??? I am amazed at your attitude.... so typical!!!

  8. Dear September 09,2009 12:03pm

    You made such comment just becasue you are not in our case. You just imaging and guessing and draw your conclusion". We tried all means, but goverment just ignored whatever you say. Please advise us what we can do to just let MAS meet us or PM reply us? They even do not want to discuss with your about your problem.

    "If it were me, I would be very angry(we did) and will continue to protest( how to protest? don't you know protest is illegal in Singapore?) and assist it all effort to right the wrong( how do you know we did not try our best, just see how hard the petition letter we prepared and the reply from MAS, what can you do?), in a continued peaceful but regular manner( you are just dreamming, sorry to say this but this is fact).....especially seeing that there are persons willing to assist in this process....

  9. Does anyone remember the lady who had cancer and she protested alone somewhere in Raffles Place? I remember reading about her but do not know how to contact her to let her know about this interview. She might be interested to be interviewed as hers is a sad case as the money is meant for her cancer treatment.

  10. Dear September 09, 2009 2:12 PM,

    In response to your post to my comments:

    Please note there are various form of "protest", you have a close mind, You could continue to protest in a legal enviroment like 1)Hong Lim Park, 2)Avail yourself to the international media (is that not legal?) 3)Continue to either engage your MP and petition 4) Get involve/support the group that has filed a legal case even if they are not directly representing your series or product. This is some of the peaceful and legal examples....

    I would like to let you know how I have supported
    (I did not buy this product but I am for fairplay) :

    1)I have supported most of the petitions that was initiated for and by Mr Tan for an alternative voice
    2)I have attended 2 HLP rallies organised by Mr Tan
    3)I have made a small donation when asked.....

    You, the aggrieved have not done enought to support your cause... eg there was 777 signatures for the petition the number of people that turned up were less tha 300,this show you feel that your cause is not worthy!!! There should have been 777*2 = 1554
    (every petitioner bring 1 family member)

    If Nelson Mandela had you attitude, there will be no Justice in South Africa today,
    If MM Lee had your attitude, we would not have had present day Singapore,
    Look at Mr Tan, nothing to do with him but he is willing to stand up for Justice or accountability...

    You are being bullied and you are not doing anything, All the best !!!

  11. I will be giving interviews to Channel News Asia and to several foreign TV stations. I shall tell them about the Petition signed by 777 people and the outcome. I like to ask an investor to come forward and be interviewed. Do not be afraid. State the truth. There is nothing to hide. No need to make any defamatory remarks. Just give the facts.

  12. I think most S'poreans are shy & conservative. They'll not wash their dirty linen in public rather suffer in silence. They want others to fight for them but will not stand up, volunteer & fight for their own rights. They're afraid & feel shameful to show their faces in public rather hide in the corners. That's why garmen know S'poreans' weakness: kiasi & kiasu syndrome so easily can makan(eat) you up. Don't blame garmen, blame yourselves for these sorry states you're now in. No pain no gain.

  13. Dear 9:29pm,

    You made those comments just becasue you are not the person who lost their life saving. I am the one did all things you did, including told newspaper what happened, keep writing to PM, MAS, call them, sign all petition letter, attend HOngling Park gathering, looking for lawyer, FiDREC, report to CAD, whatever you can think, we did.

    You have to understand why some people gave up. Becasue they have many other things to look after. We are not at old time, at a die or live situation. so they just want to forgot it and go on. That is their choice, please respect others choices.

    Please do not made harsh comments before you know the whole facts.

    Please remember we are victims. You can support us or give us suggestions. but please do not add slat on our blooding wound.

  14. Why I suggest to be paid for interview?

    I have given up to get the fairness treatment in Signapore. I have been interviewed by newspaper a few times, but nothing happend to help us. So, I decided to move on, forget the whole thing. If anybody want to make fun from our sad story, why shouldn't we be paid to recover a littler bit lost? If Channel news asia can organize a talk between MAS or any goverment people and our investors, no problem to go for interview for free. However, they do not dare to challenge the goverment, how could we trust them?

    I appreciate Mr Tan's effort very much! He is really a hero in my heart. However, I am not a hero, I am a victim only. I want to turn the sad things to be fun with an intypical(unusal way). Or just make a small noise to make things a bit more fun.

  15. why not ask those that filed a lawsuit?

  16. Hi

    There are reasons to being "shy" on camera.
    Faqmily member objections are one, my family do not want my involvement to jeopardise their jobs in the civil service, businesses and their income tax returns. This Govt is known to be vengeful if you embarass them. Look at the political opposition members, they get sued till they are bankrupt.
    Wait till some of them get green cards and jobs elsewhere. they pleaded.

  17. To : September 10, 2009 8:34 AM

    Sir, my basic intention was to inform those who were 'victimised'... NOT to Give Up!

    Dont allow yourselves to be further "violated"

    I have shown how I have supported you guys & Mr Tan, But........... Wish you the best

    ... I will continue to support Mr Tan, as he does not give up easily...
    (Just made a donation to FiSCA, beside being a member)

  18. Congratulation MIAG for filing a writ against FI's in Singapore. Hope more writ will follow soon.

  19. Hope RBS give up the fight and settle out of court. MIAG can then followup with another FI to fight another day.

    By then, more burnt investors not from RBS will join MIAG and help to fight for another day.
