Thursday, September 03, 2009

Investors of Pinnacle Notes can get news from Lion Investors

Hi Mr Tan
Sometimes, investors just do not know which direction to head, hence i would like to share what i discover after joining FISCA.

FISCA has lead me to articles in Under "Pinnacle", there was a "Pinnacle Notes Default". The discussions there is active. Pinnacle Action Group entry on 11 jun 2009 mention a class action.

I do not know if it will be helpful to others who visit your Blog but i was very happy to know i can get some info there.


  1. Mr. Tan, may I suggest that you put a link to FISCA on the right hand side of your blog? This aids navigation: sooner or later the original blog post containing the link will disappear as more posts are added to your blog.

  2. Dear Pinnacle Investors,

    Can we write a letter together to ask MAS investigate Morgan Stanly? Pinnacle Note is very different with Minibond. In Minibond's prospect, they mentioned if 12 of companies in CDO list default will cause the whole thing gone. But in Pinnacle Note prospect, nothing talked this critical point. We are more cheated by Pinnacle note than miniBond. We should send another petition to PM Mr Lee. We can not protest, but we can keep fighting with them by other means. At least they should not have a good sleep as what we are suffering.

  3. Why doesn't a Pinnacle Investor draft something that Mr TKL can put up on blog?

    Or everyone waiting for Mr Tan to draft something.

    Do things yrself. Don't wait for outsiders to do things for you.
