Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Long wait for a bus

It took me 1 hour to reach home from my office, although the distance is only 2 km. This is Singapore. Sigh!


  1. Mr Tan,
    I thinking walking will be faster than the 1 hr bus ride.

  2. Walking can keep fit and save $.

  3. REX comments as follows,

    I have solved the transport problem long ago - I cylce. Sometimes i use a 20 inch bike for longer distance beyond 4km, sometimes i use the 18 inch one for shorter distance.

    My recommendation, don't buy a 24 inch and above bicycle, they are too large and pedestrians don't like you manouvering around them, the more sensitive ones will even complain to the government.

    A smaller 18 inch bicylce is also very handy for whizzing around inside a Town Centre open air mall. It is sturdy enough for any man, just check the tyres regularly as part of normal maintenance, that is all. I have one with a fold-down front, 12 inch front tyre and 18 inch back tyre, very very well designed, compact and fits into any car easily. (park-and-ride!!)

    It is safe to cycle on pedestrian walkways especially if your bike is small and you cycle slowly when pedestrians are around. It is just like walking. Pedestrian don't get frightened by it, they treat you like one of them. As with all rules, the strong must give way to the weak, I don't know why there is a big hoo haa about cyclists on pedestrian walkways. As long as the space is there, as long as cyclists give way to pedestrians, why not? On the roads, cars must try to be careful not to hit motorcyles, and likewise, on the pedestrian walkways, bicycles must give way to pedestrians, the govt should inculcate this golden principle, and resources are fully used in land-scarce singapore. (we have no space for dedicated cylce lanes like holland, so we have to adopt a give-and-take attitude)

    And, did you know, many pedestrian paths are lined with trees, and, also, one correct thing the government did recently is to built walkway shelters almost everywhere, you don't sweat so much compared to the old days if you cycle.

    It is wonderful to cycle from point A to point B. You can go against traffic, using the pedestrian paths, you can park any where you want, you don't get tired, you are not stressed out thinking how much the parking charges cost, you can see more things, YOU BEAT THE SYSTEM!!

    By the way, most fellow cyclists I see are old singaporean men, and china or indian low skill workers, their bicycle loaded with broomsticks, and other tools of the trade. The foreign "talents" are more talented in finding a solution to the transport problem : )


  4. I work around Suntec area. Even without the F1 season road closure, It still take more than an hour for me to reach home. SBS Transit should plan their bus routes properly so it will cut travelling time for passengers.

  5. I don't understand why a first world country could have so much problems and trouble with transport matters. In mid winter in Harbin, i could easily call a cab at the shortest notice charging a reasonable fare, and China is still considered a developing country. Shame on singapore.
