Friday, September 11, 2009

Media interview on Lehman collapse

I gave two interviews on the Lehman collapse. They will appear on:

Sunday Times - 13 Sept
Channel News Asia - Thurs 17 Sept 8.30 pm

I described the events over the past year, and the difficulties faced by investors in getting a fair settlement. Eventually, many of them remain uncompensated. I hope that most of the points are covered in the news report, and are not censured.

I shall be speaking to some foreign TV stations.


  1. Could someone who has accesed to these acticles and video clip give the other readers these website addresses. Thanks

  2. Dear Mr Tan,

    Thank you very much for your courage. You are our hero.

  3. Channel NewsAsia will broadcast on Thursday 17 September 8.30 pm.

  4. The article will appear on Sunday Times 13 September.

  5. Dear Mr Tan,

    A true hero indeed...I am looking forward towards you forming a team to contest the GE 1 day. You won't be suprised there would be a lot of supporters of you...

  6. Thank you very much, Mr Tan

  7. My heartfelt thanks to Mr Tan too. It has not been easy, but through grit and determination, and a strong convict to do what is right, Mr Tan has proven himself as a true leader.


  8. With all the media support, discussions, good examples set by GE, true heartlanders regulators in HK and Taiwan, the 10 FIs are digging in. Why GE's major shareholder OCBC allowed GE to refund 100% and they themselves refuses to do the same for MB?


    Without MAS taking the lead, the above publicity can only do so much. Hope the legal suits can succeed but personally, I think it is a uphill task as long as the millionairs refuses to take the lead.

    Will DBS lose the law suit of 200 HN5 investors when Davinder Singh/Govt/Temasak/DBS/Judicial are in the same family.....

  9. We have to continue to fight because there is a fighting chance. Sit back and do nothing will definitely give you no chance of winning. Appreciate Mr. Tan's effort in letting people know the predicament of small investors. A big THANK YOU

  10. I am not involved in the MB.
    To those in the lawsuit against the FIs, fighting for the return of their blood, sweats and tears retirement money...
    If you try, you might.
    If you don't, you won't.

  11. Each law suit is different, if one law suit is successful , the others may not be the same. The whole world is watching the case.I do not think Singapore wants to lose the confidence of the investors. Have faith in these sort of cases.

  12. The coverage appears in the Sunday Times today. I am disappointed that the Sunday Times choose to ignore the interview on the struggle of the investors during the past year. They chose to focus on a side issue.

    This is the standard of honesty of our mainstream media.

  13. Hello REX comments as follows.
    I am not just disappointed, i am very angry with Straits Times.
    The thrust of the the write-up on TKL appears to focus on a subtle hint that TKL is power crazy, he failed to get 100,000 votes to support the idea of Presidency, so he got his President of Fisca post now as a consolation. It is very unfair to write an article firstly with such preface in the first few paras. Because everything after that, the reader will read with a pinch of salt. The first parapraphs already paints a bad picture of the interviewee. In fact there isn't much "everything after".. hardly any discussion on the "struggle of the investors" nor the enormous amount of discussion which was generated by TKL blog, not the efforts which had taken place during the year.

    The photo of TKL - and this is the second time, i remember well - was taken at such a weird angle and timing, that TKL looks like a jester, a clown. It is a very unfair way to portray a person who is merely trying to help others. How sad.
    Now look at the picture of Raju Rajan at the top of the page. He looked every bit a responsible person, a smart little gentleman. The reporter said ".. is widely respected". What evidence is there that RR is "widely respected"? I am ok if there are many people who actually said, yup RR is great blah blah blah. But i see no evidence. How can Straits Times make a statement to mislead. I am so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. My guess is the media must present something that is politically correct in order to secure their licenses or jobs.

    I hope the court will be fair to investors.

  15. to 13 Sep 4:18 PM

    I really hope the courts will be. So far, most of the adjudicators, who are former judges, senior lawyers, etc. have not been fair to investors.
