Monday, September 07, 2009

A new society (5) - Enjoyment of work

Each person should have the opportunity to enjoy their work. They should choose a job that suits their interest and skills. They should earn a fair wage that can meet their cost of living.

They should work hard because they enjoy their work. They should not work hard just for the sake of accumulating wealth. The greed is not desirable.

The love of doing good to society, and not the accumulation of wealth, should be the key motivator to good work. This motivation can apply to doctors, teachers, religious leaders or any worker who provides service to others.

It is necessary for a person to put in additional work to set aside savings for retirement or to raise a bigger family or to give a better life for their children. But this desire should be pursued up to a reasonable limit.

If more people have the right motivation, the society can provide a happier and better life for the people.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Business Times - online version carries an article today (the article should appear in the papers in print version tomorrow) about a Chinese, Ms ZHU Yong Zhen suing AIA over a policy she bought.

  2. But the sad thing is, based on the current demand supply model, not many people able to get to work what they want to be. Take an example of IT jobs, mostly are robbed by Chindians (Chinese + Indians), locals are left nothing but to pursue some other interests. Unless government does something, it will always be people who are unhappy with their jobs. There is no Utopia.

  3. Oops! The article on Ms ZHU Yong Zhen suing AIA has been omitted in today's paper. If this is how our media works, the elite in Singapore will probably get away with murder. Luckily, I read the online version in Business Times yesterday afternoon.
